
cool good patch. Now wheres that Sinon character pack

I would play the fuck out of a Call of Oniichan.

No matter how many times I watch this I keep thinking the one foot is going to kick but then he does an extra rotation and gets it with the other one.

Perhaps if his Special bar was at max, he could have received a higher score:

I would hardly call outselling the ps4 in 1 month besting it, at least in the same terms of ps3 catching 360. How about we pump the brakes a bit? Make that statement in a few months if it keeps selling better.

If you read the article carefully, it only outsold the PS4 for the month of November. But nice try I guess...

America. The only country that really matters to the Xbox.

It only took dropping the Xbox One from $500 to $280 with two games included...

No mention of this...aspect?

This has been a common business strategy for all industries basically since the beginning of industrialization.

It seems the "Pay to win" strategy isn't just limited in-game anymore.

And yes, I really did open the system to check out the internals. Yeah, I know it's collectible and all. But it looked like everything *should* be in working order and I wanted to know if it really had PSOne guts in it. And it does. There's just that little extra board stuck to the top and wired to the power

Yeah, that sounds...not fun?
I mean, I guess it's nice to have the option but is anyone really down to lose 20 hours of progress?

"We aren't programmers or artists but luckily we have close friends at Winterkewl Games who are." This is a face palm in so many ways.

For now? Let this be yet another cautionary tale: be careful what you Kickstart.

Waiting for the crossover with 'Ninja Burger' by Steve Jackson Games.

Picked it up once. Used it. Died immediately. Didn't pick it up again.

It's really tricky, moves you a random number of squares (4-8) in whichever direction you choose, if whatever spot it's going to teleport you into is occupied by a solid object it'll move you a couple spaces above that spot, if that's also solid you die.

Yeah, the teleporter is one of those things I throw away immediately. No idea how it works.

I dreamed of using the Wii U as a portal to play 3ds games on the TV, would work perfectly with the Wii U gamepad. Would probably be pretty good for sales as well.