
Yes, all those horrible, evil Republicans who don't want to spend money we don't have on a system that BOTH sides agree has lots of issues that still need to be worked out. Not saying this is the best way to go about refuting Obamacare, but this is a case where both sides are guilty of different things. It takes two

"You don't get a chance to call your bank and say I'm not going to pay my mortgage this month unless you throw in a new car and an Xbox."

You definitely weren't the only one. The Neo Geo was the Ferrari of video game systems back in the early 90s. And just like a Ferrari, there wasn't anyone I knew who could afford to get one. $650 when it was released. Yeesh.

Am I the only person who grew up thinking that the Neo Geo Games were ahead of their time? I loved them all. Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Metal Slug, Magical Drop...ALL OF THEM!!!! Loved playing the Neo Geo 6 in 1 coin ops at my local grocery store. *sigh* I miss those days.

With the amount of rolling he's been doing? He would have made a underground city by now.

Is it interesting to anybody else that perhaps the biggest feature reveal of the Kinect 2 so far has been made to fucking advertisers and not gamers? Microsoft hasn't shown us any significantly cool uses of the new Kinect hardware in games that are actually being developed right now. How long can they expect us to

Make money didn't always entail curtailing consumer privacy. This is way past that line.

Far from me to defend it: it's pretty horrendous. That said, there are several ways you can stop it from happening. If enough people keep it from happening, it ceases to be a viable option and they give up on it. If companies are assholes to us it's usually because we allow them to, generally by continuing to support

Now playing

B-but with everyone having a kinect the devs can feel confident about making Kinect games.

That's a feature for companies, not users, they say that pricing would change depending on its performance.

You know, it's satisfying when you know your right from the start about Xbox One's intentions.

This stuff makes me sick. I know the past is the past, but there was a time when game consoles were game consoles and not machines created to fulfill the wet dreams of advertising agencies.

They can try to hype it up as much as possible as some INNOVATION but all I see for usage is a gimmick.

It's because Nvidia has been more receptive to the idea of pushing gaming on the Linux kernel. AMD doesn't seem to care. Nvidia also just recently released some of the documentation so that better drivers can be made for Linux.

All i can think of... How?!

I'm 30 and more excited for Nintendo IP's then anything on the PS4 or XB1 , each to their own I guess

I do this with french fries also. Simply pull the fries out of the oil for 15-20 seconds then re-emerge for 20 seconds... best fries ever.

Is there a calculator showing how much more we will be paying in taxes to subsidize everyone else's healthcare?