
Quit complaining and find a better job, you’re doing exactly what you’re accusing him of.

I remember 25 year old me reflecting on 20 year old me and thinking, ‘you didn’t know, you thought you did, but you didn’t’. At 30, I know this to be true for 25 as well. I imagine I still don’t know, but this revelation will take another painful five years to sink in.

To each their own. Your spare time is precious, don’t waste it doing things out of a sense of obligation to them. I don’t finish videogames, books, movies or television shows I’m not enjoying.

I’m 30 and it’s the only jrpg I’ve been able to complete. I completed it for the first time on an emulator on my windows 95 PC, and I’ve beaten it several times since then.


I feel terrible for his little girls, hopefully his wife gets them away from this creep.

Agreed. He should have stayed with Rashida.

I’m pretty stoked for the next Larry the Cable Guy special too!

I really don’t think I should have to spell this out for you, since indie development is reported on so frequently, especially on this site. Where do you think indie teams magically get the money to put in the man-hours required for high graphical fidelity?


I just chew them and evacuate the resulting paste into my wife’s waiting mouth. That way she can enjoy the full flavour profile without having to be accosted by sharp corners.

Canada has more guns per capita, they’re easy to purchase and don’t require registration. We’re just as ethnically diverse and we consume the same media as Americans.

I think I’d rather be named Turok.

Let me get this straight, you know what operant conditioning means but you think males are ‘born that way’?

Guys, I found the troll.

Give me a break. These things are expensive, they have a pretty hefty stigma attached to them, and I imagine they’re a largely impractical novelty.

I’m a land surveyor and for the first four years of my career I only ever came across electric fences that were off/in disrepair. This fence looked pretty rickety, it definitely wasn’t firing off sparks or humming loudly (as I imagined a live fence would). So I did the exact same thing, swung a leg over then proceeded

The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena was removed from Steam for sale ages back and I just downloaded and replayed it recently.

Currently beginning to run a fever, and when I get the flu it hits hard. I wake up in the middle of the night with intense feelings of dread, I start rambling and I can’t differentiate my delusions from what’s real.

Going to give you props for having the self-control to post your long con first comment, which required Bobby to actually respond (stating the obvious) so you could get in your humble brag, instead of just putting it in the first comment.

Perfect, then you agree that it should be regulated like alcohol and other addictive substances.