
No, they just don’t go to parties full of casual bigots - like you.

Oh man, him and Waspinator were my favourite action figures when I was a kid.

“Guys, help! I’ve just thought up a hypothetical situation where I think I may be called a racist. Reverse racism! I’m being persecuted!”

I picked the game up last night after reading this article and I’m having so much fun! Got up to 800 trophies pretty easily, anyone have any tips to get by without using real dollarydoos?

To the man-cave!

Unhappy ones?

That sucks for you.

Not me. Here I sit in obscurity, never to be acknowledged.



*tips fedora*

I’m not vegan, and I haven’t been constipated since I was a kid. I’m sure some people are genetically predisposed to it, and others aren’t.

You just need to work yourself up. Have fun with it.

How does this comment only have a couple stars?

Calisthenics are a lot of fun. Buy a pull up bar so you can vary the muscles you target in your exercises, that way muscle soreness doesn’t get in the way of your progression! You don’t need to hit your chest every day to see significant results.

Nah, I know we’re dead. We’ve been dead since the Heaven’s Gaters ascended and left all our dumb-asses behind.

but what about her emails?

You can’t really play him as a tank though. He has no armour, and no shield. He excels in his ability to 1v1 pretty much any character in the game, then come out at full health. so I play him as a very reserved flanker.

I was so worried about the ‘roadhog nerf’ reading about it on reddit, but I finally got my hands back on him today and I love the state of the game.

After not working for several months and collecting unemployment, I just finished up a three week stint working up north in the oilfields. Didn’t think the work would take more than a couple days so I left all my toys at home.