
Well, an untimely auto-incident was the catalyst that started me cycling, like 8bitbeard. I just figured I'd chime in. I guess I don't drink soda either if that lends anything more to my relevance.

I crashed my car through a fence a little over two years ago after the brakes failed. Been cycling ever since.

Is anyone else a little depressed by the people in the photo watching this unfold through their phones? I mean, TMZ will have photos and I'm sure you can watch videos of this later on youtube — why not enjoy life as it happens, rather than recording it and reviewing it at a later date?

I saved this picture because I liked the imagery. Cheese cake 4 life.

Not in the same vein, but I feel like you should listen to this album before you make any snap judgments like that. 'Hip New Jerk' and 'Walk' are real standouts in my opinion.

I was thinking about calling it early tonight, but it looks like I'll be keeping up. Many thanks, brah!

Generally people would rather die before they'll change, so we're talking about several generations here. Just come up north. I'll set you up on my couch, we'll get you tattoo'd, and you'll be working in a hip clothing store or coffee shop by the end of the week.

I live in the NW. My condolences on your location.

That's a man, baby!

I have a full sleeve on my right arm. I guess it just depends on the prejudices of potential employers, but I've never had any trouble finding work and I'm in the public sector dealing in customer service.

Why would you get tattooed just to hide it?

I feel like you're talking about 'quirky', not socially inept. There are always exceptions though, I know men and women who are given passes on their ignorance to social cues just because they are exceptionally attractive.

Sorry, guys, but this isn't one of your binary waifu simulator smut games. Social interaction is a complicated dance, and sadly, if you can't even two-step then you will die alone.

Generally 'A2M' is the abbreviation for ass to mouth.

I've actually never told my girlfriend that I do this. I imagine she just thinks I have a very short attention span and like to browse Wikipedia while I watch TV.

Oh, God. Me too. I thought I was the only one. Sometimes when the main conflict of the movie arrives, I'm so emotionally torn up by it that I need to visit a wiki just to make sure that everything works out in the end.

Yeah, there's no mistaking my flu for faking. I get sickly pale, drenched in sweat and I'm completely delusional. I get all panicky and start rambling about things that are totally nonsensical.

I love dogs, but seriously, you guys are all projecting so hard.

She was being facetious.

This is hardly 'hipster'. This is what modern pop sounds like.