Agreed. There are basically three types of Democratic voters:
Agreed. There are basically three types of Democratic voters:
So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?
Jimmy Dugan was wrong. Wonderfully, wonderfully wrong.
I’d stop believing in the “baseball ghosts” if this shit stopped happening.
I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.
They have a right to be dicks. And Seattle has a right to suspend dicks if its not inconsistent with the CBA.
No I disagree. That Jez article was stupid meaningless carping that accomplished nothing and missed the point. The Seahawks locker room has clearly been talking about this extensively and in depth and their approach is both more thoughtful and more useful than anything Jez had to say on the subject.
I watched their entire game against the Rams last week... reading the Avril, Bennett, and Baldwin quotes above is a much faster way to see three good points from the Seahawks.
would stop watching the NFL if players continued to use the national anthem to make statements of protest
Ah, so you’re this guy, huh?
No kidding. Sports *again*?!
This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.
For someone as outspoken, exuberant, and stand-on-principle as Richard Sherman is, I’ve gotta say that he has yet to offend, annoy, or disappoint me. The man is still a solid player, and seems like he will always be a solid dude.
Once again, Richard Sherman ruins my attempt to abjectly and indiscriminately hate everything about the Seahawks.
This is an excellent take that will be drowned out by rocket fuel-level takes from fans and talking heads alike real soon. So I will applaud this before the avalanche of hate-fueled and/or point-missing retorts comes, in and out of the league.
That’s such a good take. What is being done isn’t a threat to the game or America, it’s a threat to the fictional, everything is fine / racism is over narrative that people are erroneously tacking into the America that they believe exists.
Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?
As someone who ate lunch alone in school at one point, then with 1 other person, then with 2 other people. This is a huge deal. And now I’m late for my meeting because I can’t walk in crying.
Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.