
DAMN YOU JOHN LEGEND AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL SONG ABOUT LOVE. I was doing a pretty good job of holding it together until I watched this damn music video. Ugh for the love of crock pots my face is LEAKING. đŸ˜©

I’m grey, so I don’t know if you’ll see this, but here. Have two sloths who love each other.

Remember when Wikileaks and Julian were hailed as the champion of the people? That they were the ones shining a light on the big bad governments? The bringers of truth?

JenAn’s new ensemble movie looks good. She’s playing a role similar to those she’s done before (Horrible Bosses) but she’s great at it, so I’ll see it.

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

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Renowned theater actor and demon who opens the portal to another dimension resulting in Buffy’s untimely death.

Omg, you were deprived until college. My kids could yes, yes, yes, no, no, no with opposing head movements before they were two.

I got into a ridiculous argument once with someone when asked “what’s the best movie musical”. Of course I automatically without thinking said Singin’ in the Rain. And the idiot was like, “. . . but what about Grease!”

my daughter is currently obsessed with the Tintin posters we have in the hallway. combined with her current hair situation, it was a pretty obvious call.

I was able to get past the attempted rape scene for two reasons: 1, he didn’t have a soul. 2, that was the catalyst for him putting himself through the ringer so he could get a soul. Had he had a soul when he tried that, had he not shown genuine remorse and taken drastic measures to ensure it wouldn’t happen again,

Lost minds, you say?

Thank you! I keep hearing about his temper. It was a decade ago. He grew up and matured. We should be saying, “good for him for getting a handle on his anger before it destroyed him.” Unlike Azealia.

Yeah, it’s actually pretty sympathetically written given that he’s ultimately calling her a liar. It sounds like he’s genuinely disappointed that she ended up proving the negative rumors about her true.

Your words are so accurate that it makes me want to both laugh and cry. I overheard a conversation the other day - “Hillary should be locked up! Those emails killed people!” and I felt like chiming in and saying “you’re getting your conspiracies mixed up :)”

I admire her so fucking much. Look how TOUGH this woman is! Look at the insanity she’s dealing with in this election, and she keeps it together to get the job done for her country. I see her as an inspiration and I am proud to cast my vote for her on November 8th.

ï»żwhat I do knowis that Crowe has a violent past

If someone is threatening to physically harm you (and your guests) I think it is entirely reasonable for you to immediately remove them from your home by force rather than wait for the cops to show up. She said she was going to stab people with glass and she looked like she was about to break a glass. Crowe did