
Me too.. I cannot get into Ghost Whisperer, but rewatching Medium I have realised that I am all about how the family were written and interact... I just realised I am up to the last season again and I don’t want to get to the last episode ...

I spent my Sunday almost the exact same way, except I lay on the sofa watching Medium all day and then went out for dinner...

Ha... I went to a preschool, back when some were still attached to actual public schools and mid-week there was a teacher’s strike so I sweet talked my supervisor into signing off on my having the day off as well, because I wasn’t there for admin experience (the school tried to say I should go and work a day in the

In case it matters... I laughed... It’s almost like people still don’t recognise what your sense of humour is like...

I have been toying with getting Sims 4 and this has made me decision for me... I am still playing Sims 3 and wasn’t sure whether I needed to upgrade yet or not... Sims Medieval is my favourite though

That’s the thing I hate about it as well... and when I first saw the change I legitmately spent ages trying to work out what I had done to make the font on my web browser so large (because I have actually done that by accident before and always forget how to fix it) before I opened a new tab for a different website

I actually loved season 6... It is so nice to finally come across others who liked it too... it is such a lonely fan club...

Not alone.. I loved it... even bought the soundtrack... and Hush. Two of my all time favourite episodes.

My grandfathers funeral. In short, the cemetery workers dug the wrong grave.

Agreed, I am all about Alison...I love her so much...

I love going to the movies solo as well.. for me it’s all about being able to go and see whatever I want WHENEVER I want and not having to work out a time that suits anyone else...

This was literally my first thought when I saw the headline...

Your Mum might be my new hero

I scored about $60 once. I was staying with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin along with my Uncle’s younger brothers my aunt and uncle put $20 and then his brothers each put $20 in each (not sure why, I suspect it was all any of them had and we were away sort of camping with no store nearby to make change) .... I went home

Esme Violetta might just be the most perfect Tooth Fairy name I could ever imagine.... I also love that you gave them names...

6 out of 10.. 2 were random guesses, 4 I actually knew... Kiele Sanchez was in The Glades which several years on I am still pissed got cancelled... and Jana Kramer from One Tree Hill and of course I knew Donald Trump and Anne Hathaway (although I almost deliberately clicked on the wrong name for Trump just to pretend

I think tha gif might be the cutest thing I have ever seen..

100% would subscribe and read every post...

This runs through my mind daily... what if the small group of people I have trusted to proof read things so far were in fact lying to me... what if I am actually as bad at writing as she is...

Yeah.. I just don’t get it... I suffer depression myself and I have considered suicide in the past but when I did the very last thing I considered was actually telling anyone I was thinking about it... I didn’t want the attention...