
I have a second cousin (who I used to be really close with) who posts suicide threats about once every four months or so, they don’t even really register with me anymore except to piss me off because she puts up something about killing herself and then stays silent for about half a day until the panic levels of the

Me too... and everyone always looks at me strangely when I admit that...

not lame at all.. that is how I finally, at the age of 36, met my “people” I have never trusted in friendships the way I do with my friends now, and it is only because I bit the bullet and joined in a class... it has also helped me to slowly but surely gain more confidence in myself and be willing to start

Isn’t that the best feeling... it’s like.. “congratulations, that extra two seconds must have made such a difference to your life”

Word for word this is what I was thinking and about to post... including but not limited to “I hate Barnaby Joyce, he’s a conservative wanker”

Update: The ruling was overturned and the court that overturned it was scathing in their dressing down of the judge who made the ruling. Mum is allowed to breastfeed again

I agree in general with the outrage about the mother being forced to give up breastfeeding, however there is also a lot more to this whole thing that has not been picked up on, the judge also ruled that the mother must move in with her grandmother and the father with his mother to ensure the child had a responsible

Definitely not alone.. with either Off the Map or Mercy... I was so pissed when Mercy was cancelled...

I was 100% Team Logan

My grandma was a grudge holder, especially when it came to perceived slights against her children so when my Mum made a big mistake in her life and my parents split (even though Dad left Mum) Mum became the worst in the world and because I was an “adult” (only 18) my Grandma decided she didn’t have to hide her

Yeah.. I had a complicated relationship with my Grandma in her final years... Really since my parents split up but growing up we had been really close and I know exactly how much she influenced me and helped shape the person I am (my intense love of reading and theatre come from her and she was my biggest fan and

I did... the morning of my Grandmother’s funeral I irrationally decided that NOTHING I had in my wardrobe could possibly be worn and I went and bought a whole new outfit including shoes... None of which has been worn since... But I stress that it was a completely irrational reaction and the following day I could see a

Having only just finished binge watching the entire series (well, three episodes left that I don’t want to watch because that means it is over), I can definitely confirm what your friend says. I didn’t get it... now I do..

I was obsessed with the originals, never missed an episode.

Your daughter is very lucky. I grew up in an environment like that, I tell people I am one of those raised by a village kids. I had a large extended family plus all the additional “Aunts and Uncles” who were not blood related but were a constant in my life until my parents divorced. I am still in touch with some

I do something similar.. I share a birthday with my younger (step) sister so we make sure we celebrate the actual day of our birthday together (usually just dinner out or at the parents) and then I celebrate with my Dad later in the week and she with her in-laws and I always do something for me, a night away or just

I loved it.. the only show I have actually binge watched the whole season of in a single day... I found it funny and heartbreaking all at the same time and I thought it was really well written and I really loved all the characters.

I would think maybe honey...

I have refused to see a Tom Cruise movie since that whole thing with Brooke Shields and trying to shame her for getting help for her PND and I even tell people the reason when I turn down invitations. Haven’t seen Going Clear yet but keen to do so as soon as it is available here in Australia.

Yep... came here thinking... Swingers Vince Vaughan absolutely yes... today’s Vince Vaughan... not a chance... although even in Swingers I had more of a crush on Jon Favreau