
Yeah.. my stepbrother had a hard time accepting it at all tbh... he really struggled against his own prejudices. I don’t actually have very much to do with him at all, don’t have any time for his wife so just avoid them as much as I can but I saw how hard he found it...

Thank you... She was all over the stage to disguise that she hadn’t bothered to learn the song, every time the camera was on her she was hardly moving her mouth at all and/or was completely out of sync... I was shocked when she got through over Katya

Yes. My stepbrother still struggles with his younger sister not being his brother anymore and it took him several years before he would stop calling her by the male name he had always known her by. I also know my Stepmum struggled in private, she supported every decision and choice my stepsister made but behind the

I had a guy literally walk back to wait for me as I got out of my car in a carpark a few years back..he then proceeded to insist we had met each other before even though I assured him I had never even been to the place (something that remains true to this day) where he claimed to have met me, no one else around and he

I binge watched this on the weekend. The first show I have actually sat and watched the entire season of in one go, usually I cap it at 3 episodes and come back...I just loved it so much, easily in my top ten shows.

I’m here to gather a search party if need be

My reaction at the beginning of this story... Nope... never going to try it, this will never take off.. no no no no no....

This is my worst nightmare, I love rollercoasters but am terrified of heights (as in, hyperventilate and come close to passing out - which has happened more than once - and I can’t even look over the side of a second floor balcony)... I can’t explain it, I think it’s because on a rollercoaster you are pretty much

We had a kookaburra swoop in amongst a group of four who were standing around and steal a sausage straight from the hot plate of the BBQ one day, sat there for about 5 seconds before it took off again... bold as brass....

I didn’t mind this season of the race, even with the silly gimmick. I admit I was quite interesting in the concept at the beginning as people who have known each other forever always seem to have issues together on the race so I was curious how pairs who had never met the other half were going to fare.... I really

Thank you so much... your responses are greatly appreciated. Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.

Yeah.. I have an amazing friend who understands me completely and who I can talk to about it which helps. I think being as sick as I have been this week just exacerbated everything as well.

Thank you ... It is greatly appreciated. My grief has taken me by surprise a little I won’t lie. My family is vast and extended and my Pop was my “step”Dad’s Dad (actually if you want to get technical, he was my “step”Dad’s “step”Dad but we don’t really do “step” in my family), I was in my early 20’s when my Mum

I know it’s late and I am stuck in the grey’s but I just need to say that this week has been pretty fucking shitty .... I have been sick all week with the flu and on top of that my Pop died and I just feel so sad.

I had one good thing this week though, I got to see an Australian comedy musical trio I have been waiting

Same same... :-)

Congratulations.... I am not a parent and have no recommendations but wanted to at least offer that... :-)

In Australia chips can mean both hot chips (aka thick cut french fries) or a packet of flavoured potato chips. The former is what we would have with gravy and is glorious..

I have literally just discovered them and now I need ALL of them.....

This was me as well.. by the time I was 14 I was in a D cup, first bra at 10. I wore a lot of oversized tops for most of my teenage years or clothes that were years too old for me because the ones that were made for my age were never going to properly cover everything.

Mine too.. born and bred :-) even amongst us Jezzie’s the world is small it seems.