
Folks on Twitter putting it better than I could.

In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:

That is a slightly different statement. I’m as happy that she appears to be okay as I would be for any other random person in the news, and am also ready to not read think pieces about her or this incident, or the nonsense that somehow this was some how a noble accident because of whatever real, implied, or imagined

Uhg, eat shit Joan. Lets see you sing better.

Thanks for this. We all sometimes miss giving what we write the nuance we intend.

Hope that we can quit thinking about the past.

I have hope again today myself. Hope that we can quit thinking about the past.

But will it have the glory of the old version’s “African Natives” ?

I’m just a simple man making my way in the universe.”

Everyone witness Hugh in this thread. He belongs in Valhalla, after all...

Well, that’s two movies I’m already sold on today. Love the look of Victor Lopez as the detective. Something about him just feels real to me. He looks like a rural area cop that’s dealing with some shit. 

Guys don’t forget this.

However, before it was released to the public, the toy was recalled for fear that kids would shoot themselves in the eye with the projectile, creating a safety hazard.

Prop him up and let him serve, cowards!

“I am a Christian, a husband to my loving wife of 8 years as well as a father of two and am proud of the life that we have built-in McNeil, Arkansas.”

it was 3 white girls and 7 others (minorities), which means 10 should be expelled.

The article should read that seven students were then expelled from the school.

If you’re seeking spiritual uplift, quirky humor, redemption arcs, or those “lesson learned” twist endings that often accompany Twilight Zone-type tales“

We the public decide this. The only reason anyone, Spacey included, has been cancelled is because we the public decided they would be. Those who have not been cancelled have gotten away with it because we the public have decided to look the other way or to be unbothered. No one decides but us.