Disney is a giant, evil megacorporation, and yet DeSantis is such an awful fascist bastard that I’m rooting for them anyway. I guess I’m a bad socialist.
Touché. You right you right.
Touché. You right you right.
My brother in crust you mean.
My brother in crust you mean.
Yeah I’m not sure how you counter the fact a Senator stated that Biden was treating migrants HUMANELY and that that was a problem, because you know that their legal status isn’t the issue.
The problem is Cornyn’s statement doesn’t immediately mark him as an unacceptable person. The problem is the incredibly large percentage of the American public who agree with him.
I’m reminded of Seth Meyer’s reaction when Biden named some cabinet positions - looking forward to never hearing about these people again as they competently go about their jobs.
So far, I rate Joe B. as “Above Acceptable” - far, far, far higher than I had any hope of a year ago.
Great point!
Well yeah, that’s very true. But then they could use all the lyrics to rap!
If white people gave up white supremacy, they wouldn’t feel the need to say it.
Pretty sure every black person would be fine with white people saying it if white people gave up white supremacy.
Biden wasn’t my first choice either, but ultimately, the choice for me came down to who I thought would be able to bring the pandemic under control. From February through November 2020, Flatulent 45 failed miserably in his “efforts” to control the virus because he simply didn’t care that people were dying.
You assume correctly.
There is a disgusting pile of dog crap on the sidewalk on the way home from the grocery store—every week we pass it and I go oh, right, gross, that pile of dog crap.
Articles like this remind me what a blessed state we are in to not be assaulted by his face, voice, and tweets, daily. I’m enjoying the reprieve, mightily.
As B’dilliBay said above - it’s a stimulus, so if your family went and spent it on non-essential items it’s still working.
Pity he’s not a Democrat, then there would at least be a chance he’d have to resign. As it stands, I’m sure he’s in line for a GOP medal or something.
In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford: