
I think he is talented, and enjoyed him for years but had heard stories of terrible treatment towards women which has shaded my opinion of him of late. 

I don’t know why Vinyl is a scam.

I don’t know why Vinyl is a scam. I’m not sure the Telegraph knows what a scam is.

You’re coming down to the comments to do one of two things, be amused about the angry vinyl people or make an impassioned comment about why the writer has garbage views regarding vinyl.

I just realized that Timothee Chalamet has Oscar Isaac for a dad, Jason Momoa as a fun uncle, and Zendaya as a girlfriend.

Well the problem is that all these idiots are gonna kill their parents and grandparents, so it’ll be cheap Rascal scooters rather than cheap motorcycles.

So the FDA is going to not permit the use for this, due to it being cheap, right?

I suppose it would be impossible for a giant asshole to have it’s own anus.

I can smell the patchouli through my screen.

But Dominique Fishback is Robin this time

I really hate to say this, but we’re thinking of doing exactly that—moving to another country, that is. I’ll accept any hate that comes my way for that, it is absolutely the coward’s way out. However, I have the means and my wife (and therefore both of my sons) are dual citizens in an EU country. A country that is far

I had to take a screenshot for prosperity before giving you a star.

Trump has to die in prison.

The anxiety this sort of shit causes me is something I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life, but this absolute confirmation that I’m surrounded by fucking idiots and led by someone who would gladly kill literally everyone in the country if he thought it made him look good... it’s

I suggest that anyone seeking admittance to a hospital, after intentionally attending any gathering unmasked and without distancing, be asked to “Please wait in the morgue. Someone will be with you eventually”

That dude looks like the type who has company board meetings at a local strip club.  

“This was clearly a moment where I lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments,” Lofthouse said. “I would like to deeply apologize to the Chan family. I can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. I was taught to respect people of all race and I will take the time to reflect on my actions and

In the video, Maggie is wearing a Mets shirt (which is technically classified as a Confederate monument because it celebrates a “lost cause”)