
I am unclear on whether she is bullet proof or the suit is. In either case, why would the trained Assassin not SHOOT THE FACE!!!?

Have the thoughts and prayers started yet?.. I want to make sure I do my part!

Many times the money from these settlements is given to a charity, but it’s nice that we don’t know that yet so you can be a jealous little bitch. ;)

My money is on Smokin’ Joe Biden.

I imagine Best Buy will stop selling everything soon enough.

If you can afford the treatment, you can afford the plane ticket.

Travel / Hotel is cheap.... o.O

Yeah, you gotta wonder what Donnie tells his sons about women.  I would bet he has a fair amount of opinions on the subject.

how come this one looks so good and Leia/Tarkin look so bad?

I had no idea that was CGI! Incredible.

If they end up together, I’m done with Star Wars. Just...done.

BREAKING: White Guy Continues To Fail Upward On Wave Of Hipster Bullshit

Now you know how we feel.

Excellent article Germain. We need more articles like this. Instead of YouTube links. (for example.)

A lot of these people will only dig in deeper as more of this comes out because despite the sophistication of what the Russians did, the average person does not and cannot admit to being wrong or fooled.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

March is so good. Shaft was suprisingly good too, considering how easily it could fall into hokeyness given the character history. Noble...god bless it, I tried to love it, got the first 8 issues but finally had to drop it. I found the storytelling confusing and sloooooow. No offense to Lions Forge, but when you’re

What movie with an evil black family are you referring to?

I see what you did there!

How do you think the Tatooine climate got that way?