
Looks like just exhaust stains.  Could get those (if the Falcon ran on coal) pretty darn quick.  

Let us just get this out of the way, the sexuality of Mike Pence is not important. Who cares what his sexuality is? What is important is that he has a valid policy stance to hurt and endanger the lives of LGBTQ people regardless of how he feels satisfied behind closed doors. Mike Pence articles always turn into these

Not enough.

It’s hard to describe how much better the google assistant is than Alexa or Siri. It responds naturally, knows everything, and controls home devices almost flawlessly.

“Not a lot of talent lying around the street in the aftermath of #metoo.”

Get out.

I also got some new porg shoes.

I could do without the j-pop but the movie itself looks amazing. I am confident a couple joints will even out any problems it may have.

Pretty good it looked.

While you’re not wrong.. neither is he.

Finally caught it yesterday with the little one, and we absolutely loved how they kept subverting the audiences expectations and throwing us for a loop.

Yes. Overall I was disappointed, but Snoke and the Rey parentage reveal were my favorite parts of the film.

Every Skywalker male has been a whiny piece of crap at one point or another.

Sure, Snoke gets offed a little too simply.

Same, better than the prequels and I felt emotionally invested in both old and new characters and their growth. The “this is the worst movie ever” crowd is going to drive us to 10 more Force Awakens which I can relive playing Battlefront every night.

Funnily enough, I loved this movie for the exact same reasons you hated it, my dude

Your boy is gonna have his dreams crushed.

Your boy is gonna have his dreams crushed.

The Citadel episode was really, really good.

And Henry Cavill’s mustache is an actual issue; they gave him Uncanny Valley Face.

Agreed, there was almost nothing in that movie I liked. The highlight of Clones for me was the weird sound effect from Fett’s missiles in the asteroid field. Literally, that’s all I remember enjoying from that film.

I just ckecked the scene on Youtube, and couldn’t quite heard it. It’s all about the tension, timing and scening, which the prequels lacked IMO.