
Thank you. Look for to everyone seeing the full chapters.

Nothing to see here, people! Move along!

for the record I’m fan of communication, not censorship. But we really like his daycare.

well, they can get kicked out of daycare for swearing , and that genies tough to put back.

Uhm...who are they?

You think that is hard. Imagine the difficulty I had typing this very sentence.

Me, at 5 PM today:

This one has ALL the best moves...

How does someone whose job it is to be on camera not understand how a camera works?

Is it weird that I was almost too afraid to watch the video?

I’m glad to hear this, to be frank. We don’t need the first non-Episode Star Wars movie to be a grimdark Zack Snyder affair. Four-quadrant appeal still allows plenty of room for darkness, but anything darker than Revenge of the Sith or The Empire Strikes Back should be saved for down the road, after the Star Wars

But it’s all OK, because their mother’s both were from Kansas. or something.

Dear IOC,

This is a god damn work of art.

I can just see the following situation unfold:

“I have great thoughts, the best thoughts.” -Donald Trump

Donald also has a stronger body than Hawking. Note his lack of ALS.

Just you shut up, donald has a great brain. his brain is great.