
Screw Daft Punk! Carpenter needs to score the next Tron movie!

I know I'm in a real minority, but I really, really liked the Affleck one.

I'll start by saying I enjoy these intro posts. Very diverse, and yet not so. We should start a cult! Oh, wait—maybe we are already one.

Hi, I'm Tom and I'm a nerdhaolic. I'm interested in everything sci-fi/fantasy/superhero related and here I find almost anything about what I love and more. If I'm not wrong, I first came across IO9 looking for a review about AoS. The only thing fascinating I have at my disposal right now is the following picture and

I'm just a cranky old guy who has liked SF for about 40 years and hated bad science for about 30.

This image is everything wonderful about comic books.

Seriously. The problem isn't the execution. It's the source material. Just how do they expect a living rock to look? The only problem is none of them never seem to give any of them The Thing's browline. He looks wrong without it.

I can speak on that with authority.

Totally's when I just stop caring about any relationship the women all start showing interest. Act like they "can't have you" seems to just increase the thrill of the chase.

It's about to get a lot more hard-boiled up in here — welcome to io9's brand new True Crime subsite!

In 1978 Famous Monsters of Filmland held an SW diorama contest and the winner was Falcon set that -while not as insanely detailed as this one- for the time it was amazing. My big brother came out pretty much dead last,sadly...

I miss 1980 Dan Aykroyd. 2015 Dan is just a sad, inconsiderate douche. Of course, 1980 Dan probably was too, but at least that was the year of The Blues Brothers.