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These people are killing people and that's wrong at the most base level of humanity. They are the ones trying to force their ideas onto others.

Keith David. Okay, that's interesting, I guess. So is Yahoo Screen still subscription free? And do they have a Roku app?

Long live Jambi!


I know!

Seems like a lot of hate for 'ol Pee-Wee, but I used to watch his show back in the day, and I enjoyed the movie.

"And it's not like most of the movies he did before he became Batman, like Mr. Mom, Johnny Dangerously, and The Dream Team, were great works of cinematic art, either."

Killing off Luke, Leia, or Han for any kind of cheap emotional gain or (worse) passing of the torch will kill any joy that I have for these films. The characters had a perfect resolution in Return of the Jedi. Any use of the characters going forward should leave them resting on that same spot. I would rather they

"Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women."

How about an honorable mention for these troopers?

I switched to Chrome about a year ago, used it for about 6 months, then switched back to Firefox. It's much less of a memory/battery hog and much more customizable than Chrome. Unless you're heavily invested in the Google ecosystem, there's really no reason to use Chrome. It's a very overrated browser.

The horror!

Last week, the top movie was American Sniper.

I'm happy. I'm feeling glad!

Murdoc, Noodle, Russel and 2D are getting the band back together. Thanks to co-creator artist Jamie Hewlett, we now

This would have made that movie so much better.