
I am still having trouble accepting that this was North Korea.

I thought that at first. Because North Korea barely knows the internet exists, and hacking through major corporate security should be really hard.

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

I had the vinyl until two years ago. I played the poodoo outa that disk.

Just for that, I'm glad I no longer own a television!

My friend swears by this guy. I must try him sometime.

fuck greenpeace, fuck amnesty international, fuck peta, fuck anyone who thinks for a split fucking second they exist on a higher moral ground than anyone else. You don't, and get the fuck over yourself.

This is a picture I took of a winter sunrise, over Mount Wutai, on the outkirts of Taiyuan City.

{Right click - save image as}

I took this photo in Antelope Canyon as well, with my iPhone 5s. Bidding starts at $10 billion.

I wish. He was rumored to star in this prequel series Lucas was preparing back in the late nineties, but unfortunately those never happened...

You'd think there wouldn't be enough jokes about vampires, blood, and eating people to fill 90 minutes without resorting to Leslie Nielson style sight-gags, but they make it work. The writing is absolutely brilliant, and at no point does it feel like they're stretching the premise or running out of steam. I was really

I don't believe Kyle want's to share his Meredith with the kids.