
No worries, first time I've seen it. It's always the first time for someone out there!

I am having one of the best and worst weeks in my life. It's all rather confusing, wonderful, terrible. I think this gif kind of sums it up.

It's pronounced GIF not Jiff because its a graphic not a jraphic. I don't care what the creator says, he's not an English major.

The speed of light (and the limitations behind it).

That was infuriating too. "Stop reminding me of a better movie I could be watching right now, dammit!"

Yep, especially since she made no fucking sense in the remake's world. The first Total Recal was 70's SF, full of grotesque mutants - thus a woman with three breast fitted perfectly with the little woman, the guy with an half deformed face and only one eye, the guy with the psychic siamese fetus twin, etc. But the

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that this is from the Total Recall re-make.

Now playing

I kept thinking "oh, don't do it. Please, come on, even you can't actually do this....EVEN YOU can't think this is what we want...."

Ugh. Ugh! UGH!

Reminds me of something.