
It's like one of the mechas from Appleseed, only in a fucked up, dark comedy. I approve.

He clearly loosens his grip as he realizes he can lift it. Nice lookin out for Thor's feelings Cap! Of course it is not the only amazing thing he has done.

I know it's Halloween but Pee Wee's new movie was announced... so let's DANCE!!!!

Jack Frost has a hologram, right?

to be fair, its shep smith. he's the most reasonable person on the network

If it makes you feel any better, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Damn you, Robbie!

Gawker is all about white-guilt preening, so naive white college kids can pose and say "LOOK AT WHAT A GOOD MORAL PERSON I AM".

This a highly immature response to a serious topic.

In rebuttal, you Sir are a Poo Poo Head.

No! We need more Royals GIFs!!!

I am 100% onboard with Obi-Wan getting some movies, but what are the chances that they could get Ewan McGregor to reprise the role. His performance was one of the bright spots of the Prequels.

I love the look of the card catalogue (the cabinet, that is). But I'm forever grateful it was just about obsolete when I got my library science degree. Once an older gentlemen came up to the university library reference desk I was working at, bemoaning that the card catalogue was "mankind's greatest invention". All I

Fortunately, I am! I should wear a badge or something.

You better be a Brit, because your use of 'whilst' is obnoxious.