
I am just kidding, Cubs fans drink to dull the pain anyway. interestingly when my now wife and I got together there was a serious threat of a Red Sox/Cubs world series....

+29 ... YESSSSSS!!!!

My personal favourite of the week:

it's friday, this week DRRRRAGGGED. So i'm dancing my way into a half day and a weekend where all i need to get done is an oil change on the car.

This article had 10,000% less Nic Cage than I was hoping it would.

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.


3-Day Weekend and I'm getting out at 2PM!!! Time to partay Seinfeld style!!!

I'm currently reading Authority as well. It's certainly slower and the characters not as captivating. I wish Control had more conversations with the biologist. I'm hoping things pay off at the end of the novel.

We're nearing the end of summer, and hopefully of our summer reading lists, too. Which books are you're working on,

aussie's gettin it done! i wonder how long before nyorkers woulda gotten on the same page to do same thing

No. They were pushing together, not pulling. Important distinction.

That is! There's a reason why they always tell you to 'mind the gap'!

This was me during my meetings this week:

Blasphemy! Everyone knows the past was in black and white.