its not backwards compatible because of money. you aren't buying new games if you are playing old ones!
its not backwards compatible because of money. you aren't buying new games if you are playing old ones!
Just pirate it.
Real gamers play on ALL platforms as to not miss a single exclusive....
The U.S. dollar has not been back by gold since 1934. It's just green paper backed by your belief in it.
"It's a fake currency backed by literally nothing"
Awesome thing about opinions and emotions is that they don't have to make sense. They aren't facts, they don't need to be backed up.
I think I would have liked a lot of the new features if I was younger, or in the younger generation. But as someone in my 30's, I won't ever be streaming or sharing my games. I have all of two people on my friends lists, and I'm out of the social loop that the new consoles are promoting.
What's it like breathing through your mouth all the time?
By that logic, cars should be banned because they can be used as getaway transportation. Did you now know Blizzard has one of the worlds largest torrent trackers?
It came out 2 weeks before it went online.. Do you even storyline bro?
S... as in "Why the fuck did you click an iPhone article when you're just going to bitch in the comments?"
This stuff is bogus - Monty is right on with the psycho-acoustic science - CD resolution covers the entire range of human hearing. Higher/deeper sampling rates are useful in mastering and mixing (to get rid of downsampling effects), but after that, 44.1/16 is all anyone can hear.
You should be able to tell the difference between CD and lossy compression. It's above CD quality that there's a debate.
Commas. You used them poorly.
I just realized I spelled Snacktaku wrong. I cannot edit it.
Yeah, totally. We should completely cut these people out of the legitimate economy, can't see any downside to ensuring that people with criminal records are forever blacklisted from ever having legitimate employment. No downsides whatsoever. Of the entire Gawker network, Kotaku is host to the stupidest people to ever…
Criminals needs jobs too lol
So, let me get this straight, instead of trusting the trained game developers at Rockstar who are skilled in their craft, know how to direct voice actors and edit scripts, I'm supposed to listen to some random commenter on Kotaku who more than likely has no experience making production decisions and the odds of them…
Now why in the tragic Greek Gods does Wii U currently not support 3D output?? I play Sonic Generations through my 3D monitor and, good crap, does it look amazing. And that was done two years ago, Nintendo! I can't just go back from that!
Who the hell expects HL3 to be a great multiplayer game?