Kyle OReilly

I have a 2DS that’s been wedged between some books on my shelf gaining dust so it’ll probably come out for the plane ride and that’s it. The side of the family I’m visiting is mostly old enough to have voted for Jimmy Carter so not much gaming going on there.

Grew tired of the few bloated AAA games on my plate and hopped over to my backlog to finally play Inside and holy shit that’s a good goddam video game.

Ban week is good but this one is bad. It’s basically Eugenics™ the article. This is Nazi shit.

I tell people that Man of Steel is still the best Dragonball Z movie ever made.

Nobody’s said Red Vs. Blue? Weird, I thought that was popular and surprisingly funny.

I was told after I was like 25 hours in that it was a game where if you wanted to max stuff out you had to play that way from the get go and seeing as I didn’t understand most anything for the first 10 hours, I knew that wouldn’t happen. I just want to max my favs, Ann, Ryuji and Makoto... Maybe Yusuke... Oh and the

I am so bad at Fortnite but still love it so much. I find that you can get really far in these matches if you just avoid conflict outright. There are a lot of times where I’ve had the drop on someone and had a purple weapon in my possesion and still just got maneuver/jumped around by a pro til I was dead.

Hey man, hang tight. I played that game 2 times out of college after getting fired from 2 consecutive jobs. It’s a slog of a game to get through and can seem like it’s not worth it but it does have an end. Putting it behind you is a really nice achievement and helps ground you later on.

Bloodborne is a game that benefits from full-on attention. I played nothing but it during the time I was into it and it helps really bring the immersion to life and also you get really into the lore and there’s a 79 page Lore document you can read on Google Docs and holy shit it’s got good lore man.

Breath of the Wild looked cool but hot damn if Super Mario Odyssey isn’t going to be what gets me to knock over an old lady on Black Friday for a Nintendo Switch.

Play Inside so that I’ll be motivated to finally play Inside. It apparently only takes a few hours and it’s a gut punch.

I downloaded and played the first hour or two of MGS V and basically saw that all the criticisms were true. Nice tight gameplay, and a seemingly hollow, unneccesarry story. And what’s a Metal Gear game without Story?

Ethan Carter might be up to bat next. We both found Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture to be boring (with a few nice moments). Also I know there’s Edith Finch which sounds like Ethan Carter but isn’t.

I’m attracted to that game because I love the hell out of Ancient Egypt (who doesn’t) but wary because I’m tired of Ubisoft’s “go clear this outpost/go kill ten x and come back” mission structures. You’ll have to let me know if the missions are more varied than that.

Format is dope as hell as is your content my friend. That is awesome and part of what makes TCG’s like Magic so amazing and malleable. As a child I did a similar thing basically combining D&D with the Pokemon Card Game but with nowhere near the amount of depth you put in here.

Skyrim’s longevity truly is amazing considering how god-awful the story is (how do you mess up a talking dragon tale) but man that world is just postcard after postcard. If you’re on PC I’d suggest getting some cold and hunger mods to add to the realism. That helped me get some extra miles out of the game (this was

Finish Firewatch. It’s a dozy and worth it.

I love the shit out of Doom and wish they’d provided more single player style DLC. Something like a horde mode, or arena or some sort of kill fest outside the main story would’ve been awesome.

Never Alone has been on my list for a while. Love the idea of a game developed in cooperation with indigenous people’s about their heritage. Glad to hear it’s a nice breezy experience.

Futaba is indeed a problematic option but I’m also on the side that says “holy shit” to everything about the teacher storyline. I hear it gets good if you stick with it but everything about it is icky and gross to me. A lot of super gross/weird power dynamics involved. I haven’t finished Palace 5 but am glad to hear