Kyle OReilly

Yeah, I said it to someone else a few weeks ago but I would pay for a DLC that turned the Palaces into some sort of cutscene and then just gave me back control when the group left back to the real world.

I gave up in the middle of P5 but goddam if I don’t want to get back in there in finish it just to finish it almost. I had heard from many reviewers and folks that it’s the end that drags so it’s good to hear from someone that it’s got a nice cherry on the top.

I didn’t know you had a writing page out there. I need something else to peruse after I’ve done my daily check of AV Club/Kotaku/Polygon. I’m going to check it out.

Man there’s an entire system I’m ashamed I haven’t played yet because let’s be honest, The Switch is the real heir to the Gamecube’s throne. I want a Switch so bad but I still have a giant backlog of games for PS4 and that’s not including the amazing games I don’t even own yet!

I have played neither but my gut tells me Last Guardian is the way to go!

I have never been a huge point and click fan so a part of me thought I was going to have to force myself through Broken Age but it’s been the opposite. I have been playing until my brain fries and I can no longer remember who needs what.

I know that the kickstarter success is always been the main story people focus

That had my favorite boss fight (so far) too. The crazy fly man on a giant rolling robot ball of death. Good stuff.

Lot of unexpected games in here (and some surprising exclusions). That’s what I love about AV Club is that because it’s not a bread and butter game site it can be more authentic with it’s lists.

I tried to swear off Metal Gear Solid V numerous times but keep going back because despite the numerous annoying menus, and mechanics and base management garbage and even despite the fact that the game has one clearly superior strategy (tranq to the face 4ever) it’s got a tight satisfying gameplay loop.

FTL has a fat stack of pretty unfair fights towards the end so that’s no small feat. I couldn’t even beat it with mods that gave me a super powered ship from the get go.

Damn, I didn’t know the game was giving everyone helmets because I’m addicted to that instant sleep headshot. That’s impressive and they are traveling in groups more often as well. That’s impressive.

I wish I’d given Invisbile Inc the time of day. Mark of the Ninja is so so good but I played one level of Invisible and said Meh. Also the aesthetic reminded me too much of those old esurance commercials from the 00's that eventually got co-opted into internet porn.

What happens in Total War’s Auto-complete mode is a complete mystery to me and the people who develop the game I believe. I usually play on easier difficulties because I’m more their to play with formation than stratgize and so Auto Complete usually gives me a free win but every so often in Napoleon Total War, I’d

The Picross series (along with all the other cute little puzzlers that live in the DS family) don’t get nearly enough respect. That game is a beautiful hybrid of minesweeper and sudoku and I love the f out of it.

You soft-launching a YouTube gaming channel Derrick? Don’t get racist all of a sudden on us okay?

I’m swamped with great games right now which is good but damn I did not think metal gear solid v would get its claws in me. The opening is dumb as hell and the story is disappointing without even addressing the complete lack of panache or pacing it’s told with. But hot damn is that game play good.

MGSV does a lot

I’m swamped with great games right now which is good but damn I did not think metal gear solid v would get its claws in me. The opening is dumb as all hell and the story is disappointing without even addressing the complete lack of panache or pacing it’s told with. But hot damn is that game play good.

The game does

I had been throwing stuff before that so managed to figure that one out, but the one where you need the plant workers to help you that stumped me for a while. Which also leaves me with so many questions! A small part of me was a little dissapointed that it didn’t wrap things up with a tidy neat ending like Limbo did,

Having a newborn, there’s a brief window where they will be so tiny that you can game while they nap in a pillow in your lap which seems like it would be perfect for the Switch. BUT! Be forewarned, once they become toddlers they are like tiny destructive monsters and the flimsy Switch dock would be an easy target for

Considering the size of my backlog I shouldn’t have a bunch of Black Friday wants but I really want to nab Nier Automata, the Edith Finch game, Horizon Zero Dawn and possibly Dishonored 2... oh and maybe Resident Evil 7 if it gets really cheap... and probably a smattering of indie games because I love indie games. I