Love the whole “3D Hotline Miami” genre that seems to have popped up. Will have to check out High Hell.
Love the whole “3D Hotline Miami” genre that seems to have popped up. Will have to check out High Hell.
Valerian is going to get a great cult following for sure but where Fifth Element had the charismatic Bruce Willis to help audiences along, Dane Dehaans (spelling?) has something closer to anti-charisma. My little brother who has zero interest in Moebius or that style of sci-fi saw the movie and all he could talk about…
Didn’t know Mikami came from under the Ghosts n’ Goblins creator but that makes a lot of sense. That game carries a boatload of tension with it mostly due to how damn hard it is though.
Get a load of this tough guy over here!
What makes RE work that Evil Within doesn’t have is that double culture filtration. “Double Culture what now?” you say! It’s when you see tried and true American Horror Cliches, regurgitated back to you by someone to whom they are foreign. Resident Evil games are zombie games, and they pump out zombie tropes like a…
It really is a no-breaks type of game. If I tried to go back now and unlock all the secret ending stuff I’m sure it would be like cracking a Statistic textbook 4 years after I’ve graduated.
I love vinyl for all the physical rituals associated with it, daintily removing a record from it’s paper sleeve, flipping through a stack with your index fingers, the physical needle drop and it’s oh so satisfying pop as it contacts the record. But yeah, I was eyeing one of those Audio Technica turntables for $300…
I’m glad someone is out there playing Wolfenstein II. Bethesda has been dropping quality single-player games with surprising regularity and many of them have bombed hard (poor Prey & Dishonored 2) so I’d hate to see Wolfenstein II (which they’ve obviously thrown an out-sized marketing budget at) get overlooked. I…
Toyetic is not a word, you made that... well I’ll be damned.
Shin your posts are always such a flipping treat. Make sure to take Gary Busey down in a really messed up way for me.
It seems like Zelda suffers a little from the same thing MGSV does, with that loss of narrative when moving to open world. Though admittedly, Zelda has never been as narrative heavy as the wack-a-doodle MGS series.
I feel the same terrible guilt about spending on video games. I almost never buy new games mostly because there is always a backlog of amazing games and because I feel guilty spending a couple grocery store trips on a game. Then I remember my other half-hobbies, vinyl collecting and electric guitar, are absurdly more…
Not an adventure game like Double Fine but if you have a hankering for puzzles, nothing has ever topped the Witness for me. I played through most of it this spring (I’m not mad enough to 100% that labyrinth) and so far it’s been my favorite game I’ve played all year. The aha! moments hit so hard and feel so good, but…
I beat the main quest of House Hunting two years back and am now playing the incredibly rote DLC “Wow, I didn’t know home maintenance was this big a pain in the ass”
Man, the temptation to buy a Switch has never been stronger. Though I would like to take a second to say that it is egregious how all these glowing reviews for Super Mario Odyssey mention it as the spiritual sequel to Mario 64 and Sunshine, while failing to neglect the greatest 3D mario game, Galaxy. I will not sit by…
I took a break from Persona 5 to play some other games and I’m in a 5th Palace Safe Room wondering if I’ll ever feel motivated to go and finish the other 50 hours of the game. I’ve really enjoyed what I have played, and there are some plot points I’m curious to see tied up but it’s just so much time. Would I be better…
You can use the wood/metal/bricks to build various things. I haven’t built any whole structures but I have built walls for cover when I find myself in an open field under fire. They build instantaneously basically so it’s a good way to stop incoming fire.
Yeah there are some weird decisions in the actual social link quests, especially Ann’s. I feel like there’s a disconnect between main story Ann and side-story Ann which is pretty jarring.
I want that game. It looks like the perfect continuation of the QWOP world.