I could never go back to 90s FMV games because I feel like the amount of compression on those videos would trigger the hell out of me as a video editor. That thing is probably running at something sub 240p which blows my mind.
I could never go back to 90s FMV games because I feel like the amount of compression on those videos would trigger the hell out of me as a video editor. That thing is probably running at something sub 240p which blows my mind.
I actually picked Persona 5 over Nier for my summer game because I feel like it would be easier to explain “talking cat teen anime” to my wife than “existential crisis booty-bots”.
I was one of the people who was hyped for NMS leading up to launch but waited to pick it up and then saw the immediate backlash. So maybe now I can go in for a sort of blind experience for the first time.
I feel like ‘fight you’re supposed to lose’ is a uniquely Japanese design trait. With the exception of the end of Halo Reach, I can’t think of a single Western trait where they pull that move.
I was kind of interested in Destiny 2 for a while hearing all the reviews but then remembered that it’s another game that uses compulsion tactics to keep you coming back for more and more. I have been able to kick the habits of WoW and Hearthstone in my life and I don’t need another game to scratch that itch.
Damn, after feeling kinda cold on Nebraska I was hoping this one would really let Payne stretch out and go nuts. Shame to hear that it’s dividing folks so much not because it’s out-there but because it’s so mundane.
Trumpified? I mean, it’s a shit system and it’s ruined the layout of everything but we’re still white supremacist free down here in the comments... which is actually a big deal for a video game website.
I know Plot wasn’t the main focus but the world-building was cool enough (the opening world building segment of Half-Life 2 is my fav part of the whole game) that I was interested to hear how it all ends. I mean, I would’ve preferred to play through all of that a couple of months after I finished Ep 2 but what can you…
I’m more of a visual memory guy. Describe what your avi was!
GTA V having more radio stations than any other entry and somehow having the lamest radio stations of any entry really is a thing of wonder. Though the funk and indie rock ones are okay.
Since you call them homebrew campaigns are you at least getting good and sauced on craft brews? My group never ventured far from the traditional “go kill a wizard in a volcano or something” stuff but we did get sauced which made roleplaying much easier but it also meant we spent a stupid amount of time trying to…
If they kill off Gameological for more Brian Ashcraft travel photos from Japan I will flip my lid.
No one will fault you for abandoning DSII. That final boss battle is really a let down. Two fat knights and then a queen who stands still with lazer beams basically. The aesthetics aren’t even that great!
I haven’t checked but far as I can tell, nobody here is grey.
Odinsphere is very beautiful and surprisingly long. I played it way back on PS2 and I remember thinking “well that should wrap things up” and then suddenly they’re like, No, now you’re playing as a kung fu bunny. The gameplay loop is great as well and the character designs are neat and before the devs got crazy horny…
I don’t have a beefy PC but also don’t know if I feel like a city sim would work on console. Do you think the experience is just as good from the couch? Is the text super tiny (this is part of why I abandoned darkest dungeon)?
Grats on the Classic Grab and kudos for wanting to actually play it and not flip it on ebay for 245.
I feel you there. I wish there was a new JRPG that avoided those increidbly annoying tropes. Even Persona 5 which everybody is singing the praises of forces you to have to save only in certain rooms at certain points.
Do recommendations do anything? Are they like upvotes that send posts to the top or are they like Disqus upvotes that don’t really affect the order at all.
Yeah, it was nice to see the new comments come in as a I type because those were people who I knew were basically online at the same time as me and we could usually get a good convo going. On the other hand, I like that I don’t have to scroll forever to find semi-recent comment threads.