Kinda crazy that Sony produced three (THREE!!!) amazing trilogies of platformers in one generation with Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank and the surprisingly un-coopted by Furries, Sly Cooper series.
Kinda crazy that Sony produced three (THREE!!!) amazing trilogies of platformers in one generation with Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank and the surprisingly un-coopted by Furries, Sly Cooper series.
Not A Hero seems to be going for the same level of Zen-like concentration and proficiency that OlliOlli 1 & 2 demanded but it never gelled for me. The whole story and glibness of it isn’t really my bag and I felt like the “get in the zone and kill wantonly in pixelated gore” was covered pretty well by the Hotline…
Binary Domain is taking on as close of a Midnight-Movie style popularity as a shoddy Sega shooter can. I hear a surprising amount of recommendations for it but almost always with qualifiers like “it’s kinda shitty but fun”.
I’m glad somebody’s out there playing Dishonored 2. Everybody who has played it says it is amazing but it seems like it’s sister game Prey that it didn’t make a big splash in the sales pool.
Hey at least it’s easier to BOLD stuff now.
Two of my favortie things finally together and I’m down here in the comments trying to parse what the hell is going on with the star things and if I’m gray or not.
I’m mad as hell and I’m going to continue to take it.
Jesus Christ, kudos to you. I wish I could quit Twitter, I feel like an addict on that thing. Constantly strung out by it but always going back. Dril is funny tho.
Is that where Girard went? I knew about Spaceduck Mafia into Nick…
I was here on the very first Gameological Post (and got in before I realized everyone was using pseudonyms and not their actual names like idiots) and I'll be damned if a switch to some wacky new comment system deters. This is my Friday morning routine at this point.
Persona 5 still loving this game but my ability to play nothing but it is waning. Love the inversion to the game that Futaba's palace brings to the table. Nice change of pace and keeps me interested to see if they do any other change ups with the motivations of the palace owners later on down the line. Also the…
You masochist.
My 3DS gets woeful attention with a perfectly fine copy of Donkey Kong Country Returns gathering dust in it but a $5 Mr Driller might be what draws me back.
You didn't like 30 flights of Loving? It took like 10 minutes! I wasn't blown away but for the time it takes to watch an episode of Harvey Birdman, the game presented some interesting imagery and situations especially the balloon bit.
Dark Souls 3 is the most influenced by Bloodborne though in terms of speed and emphasis on dodging over blocking. If you go back and play DS1 or 2 those will feel really slow.
I love Ann but feel like her social link interactions aren't as good as her interactions in the group which bums me out because she's a good character. I'm only at level 4 though so maybe they get better as they go on.
I'm with you on the Order. It's like 3 bucks but 3 bucks for a generic 3rd person shooter that looks like it has a cliche ridden steampunk plot? No thanks. When 2017 has been this packed with games you can't waste time on mediocre stuff just because it's a bargain.
I feel like Save Arcadia Bay is the canon ending the developers wanted you to make because it's more tragic and for all the reasons Chum Joley mentioned it makes way more sense BUT I am one hundred percent on your side. To reiterate the classic meme, "Always choose Bae over Bay".
I'm playing Persona 5 and much like the protagonist, I don't have as much free time as I want so I'm only inching through. I just made it to the third palace which is the first palace where a character doesn't have a personal relationship with the evil-doer. Obviously this guy is a bad dude but it doesn't have the…
Ryuji is so great because of the fact that everybody is so mean to him and yet he perseveres. He's kinda like Zoidberg in that way. I really feel like his energy and general doofiness are what make him so appealing. I don't usually have laugh out loud moments playing games but when Ryuji calls you on the phone…