Kyle OReilly

Sunshine is indeed underrated but I feel like since there hasn't been a new 3d-mario since Galaxy 2 really more people have gone back to appreciate it. I don't know if it was just the gamecube controller being so great but Sunshine always felt tighter than even 64 controls wise which is part of what made it a joy

If you dig ebooks and extended games criticim check out Brendon Keogh's "Killing Is Harmless" It's a deep-dive into Spec Ops the Line and has a lot of good insights. Such a great game and such an antidote for the time it was made when it seemed like every shooter was a Call of Duty "Ooh-Ra" ad for joining the Army

Operations is the crowning achievment of BF1 for me. Conquest is a great game mode but it can feel kinda aimless. Operations gives you a sense of making those split-second tactical decisions that really get the blood pumping and with everyone having only two things to focus on at a time you rarely feel like you need

Much like in World War I, the Aussies are shafted and left with a mess. There actually is an Aussie Galipoli campaign mission but it's kinda hokey.

I got to the final boss of Hyper Light Drifter. I didn't run into any huge issues throughout the game except for one bit in the West where I did not pick up on where they wanted me to go to hit the last module. You're supposed to open a cell, fight a sword-dude and then see a crystal spider come out of the wall and

I got halfway through the North and didn't know where to go (I often miss platforms and cues because the parts you can fall into sometimes look like things you can walk on) and then went and power housed the Swamp Frog in the east pretty fast. I'm currently in the West but have again got stuck with no idea where to

I've actually looked at Eternal Diva and seeing if it was any good just because I love the Layton art style and character designs so much. They're so unique. It's like Precious Moments and Anime had a baby.

Yeah, when it first came out and I was but a whippersnapper I was convinced by the glowing review OPM (Official Playstation Magazine for the youngins) gave it on release and paid full price. I felt a little cross at the time but replayed it pretty often and found it to be both soothing and affecting.

I played Super Mario Galaxy in my halcyon college days when such dorm classics as Halo 3 and Super Smash Bros were still fresh. The boss battles are a real treat, especially the final one, I remember beating it with a group of friends in the room cheering me on, it was probably one of the most intense gaming memories

Witcher 3 is a great off and on game. I played much of the second half while beat Arkham Knight and it was fun to be able to take it slow in that world. I still need to finish the DLC for it though.

ICO is at a much lower octane then SotC but it is still a goddam classic. It takes about an afternoon to finish. I'd say start over from scratch again as certain late game changes are extra satisfying after you've spent a couple hours batting off smoke thugs with a 2x4. Not to mention it hits some solid emotional

I don't watch sports but I know the Patriots have some pro-trump ding-dong so I also say Go Falcons.

BoxBoxBoy is on every 3DS best-of list. I really need to get around to picking it up.

Until Dawn is a great non-gaming SO game but the opening doesn't do it any favors. It seems to almost start en media res even though it's a flashback just because there's not much context at first. Plus they throw the collectables at you immediately which are wacky totums that show you a possible death.

Huh, I figured that Twilight Princess was considered to have the worst all around visual aesthetic of the 3D Zeldas. It seems so brown and dour.

I'm with WoodSword in that you are living in Bizarro Bloodborne world. Cel-Em was super easy to cheese if I remember and Ebrietas was incredibly difficult but that might also be because she is physically disgusting to look at… that and all the one-hit kills she can do.

Damn, Oxenfree was high up on my to-play list just because I love story focused games but damn. Those complaints all sound like they'd bother the hell out of me too.

I thought Poise was a mystery stat that didn't do anything in DS3. I guess they fixed it. It was for the best for me as I used to be way too dependent on tank builds and found I liked being a rolly-polly mad man better than a shield monster.

I started up Hyper Light Drifter and digging it. I'm kind of surprised by how short it feels. I beat a dungeon and a half on my first night playing and it looks like there's only four dungeons but maybe I'm guessing to early. Still, quality aesthetics, great combat and another in 2016's long list of satisfying

This is more attuned to Roguelike's ie Binding of Isaac than Hyper Light Drifter which means everything in the levels is randomly generated each time you play. Though the dodge roll is similar to HLDs dodge mechanic in that you need to get really good with it to make any serious progress.