Kyle OReilly

The really close conquest matches in Battlefield 1 can be insane. When you know there's only 60 or so seconds on the clock and you have to make the decision as you spawn to either defend a point you already have, help team mates cap a new one or try and cap one rouge. I'm an itchy-runner-gunner so I usually try and

You guys can poop on the floor together but for different reasons!

Weird how your Civ2 WW2 scenario transistions perfectly into The Man in the High Castle.

Good luck on the Scenario man, I know you can knock it out of the park based on the commitment you brought to that Diplomacy game we played way back in the day.

Damn, I thought the lull after the holiday, I'd be able to sit back and not want to pick up any new games but with Yakuza 0, Resident Evil 7 and Gravity Rush 2, I'm hankering for a new game (I also am craving a new Prof Layton for some reason). It also helps that they are all fruit of the once supreme Japanese game

It's an good shooter but it's littered with problems in gameplay/narrative/pretty much everything. The hype train was so huge though when it launched that Gameological's critical review turned into a comment section trench war. Good times.

There is some third person wandering but it's never random, it follows a linear path with branching story options. It's basically an interactive horror movie. I played with my wife on the couch just telling me what she wanted to do and we made it through the whole game that way.

There's an optical variant that comes with a scope. Instead of buying different add-ons like you do in Call of Duty you just buy a different version of the same gun. Also, because the game doesn't explain this well and I had to look it up online, if a gun has Trench in the name that means it shoots more accurately

If Bioshock had been a one and done franchise I feel like it would be much more highly regarded, but by golly if Bioshock Infinite didn't burn up that game's goodwill.

I'm trying to do a re-play of Shadow of the Collossus before I go into Last Guardian. I sadly lost my copy of Ico but I want to get reacquainted with the sorta-shared world of Fumito Ueda before I fall in love with Trico.

It may be nigh-impossible to get a kill with the gas but that 4 second window of damage when they're still putting on their mask is golden. Especially if you're in a bunker at Argonne or Monte Grappa and throw it into a huge group.

If you have an SO who doesn't really care about games Until Dawn is a great game to play with them. My wife loved that game as well as Life Is Strange which is another classic you should look into.

Dollars to Donuts Gulliver is an inter-dimensional traveler… and maybe K.K. Slider is too. Thus the Slider in his name OHMYGAWD!!! We're through the looking glass here people.

Doctuar is right. You have to go to your load out screen and find the guns and then pay for them. They never tell you if you've unlocked one. It's kind of a weird system but on the plus side the MP18 Trench you start with in Assault is probably the best assault gun there is so you don't have to buy jack for that

Yeah, I caught myself watching VaatiVidya's DS3 DLC videos before I realized they kinda gave everything away. I've just been avoiding his channel though anyway because I preferred his Bloodborne content over his souls analysis. Plus I'm waiting for all the DLCs to be released so I can tackle them back to back to

You should take a peak at the custom games tab in the multiplayer section. I believe there's an Armored Kill mode or something that emphasizes vehicle combat. There is also "Back to Basics" where players are limited to bolt action rifles with no scope so as to feel more historically accurate. It's a real hoot of a

Anytime a baby cries in a movie/tv show/video game whatever it frickin' destroys me so I've been avoiding that game because I thought it would wreck me too much for a game.

I tried to play the first Nioh Demo before realizing it was some kind of timed trial thing. I can understand those for games like Overwatch but what's the harm in giving us like one level to play around in for as long as we want with Nioh? Not a fan. Plus I still need to NG+ DSIII before I move on to another

Climbing through my backlog I came to the indie platformer Unravel. It got positive reviews on release this February but slipped right off everyone's radar it seems not long after coming out, which I feel is kind of unfair. It's warm, fun, beautifully presented and a joy to play. The puzzles can be noodle

My internet has been getting cranky when I try to simulate a 64 man murder fest while my wife watches Star Trek TNG on the iPad so instead of watching my dutiful Italian super man rubber band across the alps, I've been playing a lot more Enter The Gungeon.