Kyle OReilly

Back when I was on OSX exclusively it was the Civ games that satisfied my gaming itch.

Kind of a hard time to be excited for vidya games. Still, I'm pretty close to raising enough funding to finish my coffee shop in Animal Crossing: New Leaf so at least there's that.

I like the logic of the needle kill. This medicine will revive you if youre dead but if you're alive it will make you super dead.

Yeah DoR is the only one they had but I'm not digging it's "Everyone is dead but at least we got our plucky anime hero" vibe.

Goddammit, even though it was late I still missed it. Oh well, power hour rush through time to fuckin' talk about what I'm playing. Yeehaw.

I was a huge fan of Nixon and Mr M and the early tracks on this left me in a big state of "what-the-hell-ness". I might pick it up eventually but I figured that since Kurt Wagner already made a techno record last year he'd get back to acoustic stuff now.

I feel a little limited with my home design options in the base game of new leaf so I might have to start looking at Happy Home Designer. But seriously it seems like in the main game every single wallpaper is either extra gaudy, extra tacky or extra busy. I just want a nice clean design and my stubby man hands can't

I downloaded the RE HD thinking I'd finally give it a full playthrough having abandoned it midway back on Gamecube but it's just such a slow game. People had more time to stop and smell the roses/dead-dogs back then I guess.

Yeah but was Steam Workshop ever really that good? I always ended up using Nexus for mods because of workshops size limit.

I liked that about the beta. Plus vehicles felt much more threatening then they had in a long time which was cool.

IF you have Redbox in your area and don't mind throwing away the price of a burrito you can always rent them to decide. Just remember to allocate time for the install. Personally thought I'd go with BF1 but that's just me.

Based on what I've read for length, I think I might wait until all the souls DLC are out to marathon them all at once. Though the PvP arena is very appealing to me.

Google's radio stations are indeed very good but the subjects are kind of all over the place. On a Sunday morning walk with my son in tow I tried to ask for "Soothing Classical" because of course that exists right? and they were like "Nah" but then at the home screen they had the option for "Women singing you back to

Even with the slow text speed you're selling me on 999.

I'm still hearing that the AI is wonky as fudge in the new Civ. Since I never have the time to do a full-on multiplayer match I've always relied on single player and have been hoping that diplomacy can be beefed up in this one but it's looking like I might have to wait for an update…

No delicious local cuisine bonus for Japan? That's malarkey.

All the Civ VI hype got my amped up so I tried to boot up Civ V, but then I found out there are issues with it on Windows 10 and people said "Just make sure you're updated" so I updated all the way to the newest build and my fan quit working so now it'll overheat and power off after a little use. Boo.

I became so reliant on listen mode that this makes me actually scared. Maybe I'll don my headphones and really get in the zone.

He was still a very good character but I felt like more drama could'v ebeen wrenched from him if he staid more similar to Joel so that you could see how Ellie reacts to a strong, semi-ethical older man who isn't on her side. His character is still very interesting and I understand why his thugs were made into "no we

I done beat The Last of Us! I didn't beat it's DLC yet because I feel like I needed some decrompression time but still big spoilers below. BIG OL SPOILERS. There's a lot to unpack with the Last of Us. The number one thing that I've been wanting to jaw about it in here though is it's blown opportunities to do