Yeah I need to up my bottle game for sure. I usually waste all my tissues on med kits though. This game has the resource scarcity thing down, even on normal mode (which I honestly wished I'd skipped for Hard but oh well).
Yeah I need to up my bottle game for sure. I usually waste all my tissues on med kits though. This game has the resource scarcity thing down, even on normal mode (which I honestly wished I'd skipped for Hard but oh well).
That's the kicker with Sunless Sea, there's so so so much content but you have to grind so much to just stay alive that you go through the motions on some boring reliable route for 10 minutes so you can afford to veer off and enjoy some interesting content for 2 minutes than back to the grind.
My grade school chum had the Phantom Menace game and I remember playing it constantly. If I remember it's jankety as all hell but they give you quite a bit of freedom with your lightsaber style or something. Shit, I think I'm gonna go watch Let's Plays of it on YouTube now.
I guess I'm one of the only people here for whom Just Cause 3 clicked and clicked hard. I found the wing suit to be a joy to use so while the actual combat was a bit of a bore (unless I took the time to be creative and hook guys to approaching Jeeps and then steal said Jeeps or similar) I found traversing the…
The market for old Pokemon games boggles my flippin' mind. There's a guy in my town who builds the cartridges with a downloaded rom in them and sells them for $100 a pop and apparently people buy them.
Still making my way slowly through the Last of Us. Just arrived at Eastern Colorado University on horseback. I knew the game was gonna have some really dark spots and while the transition from Summer to Fall dealt with one of my least favorite zombie tropes it was still a really heavy scene. I've been enjoying the…
Oh yeah, which is made all the weirder by how cleavage heavy they make her second outfit.
At the moment I'm much more interested in Ellie's as Joel's is looking like the classic "gruff man un-gruffs his heart" one. Though I honestly won't count Naughty Dog out. I'm sure they can surprise me.
In the back of my head I was thinking "I'd bet money there's a ton of weird JRPGs that deal with moms" and now you've reminded me of the famous mom with an eye on her nipple.
Still watering flowers in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and then turning to smash people's heads in violently against nearby furniture in The Last of Us.
I've heard bad things about the Spike Lee story so I'm approaching it with more a of a Mystery Science Theater 3000 lens than anything. Also I heard Matt Walsh from flipping Veep is in the latest story mode!
Yeah, it apparently ran poorly on the PS4 for a while too. I'd imagine performance issues are what's keeping it from gaining the cult following that JC2 had which is a shame because they really improved on a lot of aspects from that game in this sequel.
Wow, controversial opinion you've got there. General consensus on the internet is it's doo-doo.
Yo Kai Watch looks weird as hell. It's always billed as a Poke-clone but the monster designs look like a cross between Persona and Steven Universe. Is it worth the time* for adults you think?
I've played a bevy of games this week but only a few I'll stick with long term probably.
It is a pain in the butt for people with limited gaming time. I was worried there was some penalty with turning them down but now I might start doing that. A Mayor who is a recluse makes more sense anyway.
I'm glad you opened the door for me to talk about how Kid Cat is actually my fav villager in the series so far. What about a cat in a race car driver outfit who is obsessed with fitness isn't great? On a lost and found quest once, I returned him his copy of 'Deltoids of Famous Celebrities'.
I threw $1.50 at that bundle so fast. I'm not sure if Prison Architecht is worth the extra couple bucks but I'm pumped to get Devil Daggers installed.
Now that I've finished all my big boy linear games I'm enjoying the quiet life Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The game is def chill as hell but it can also have some annoying tendencies to require your time or feel like an obligation. The number one instance of this is when someone in the town invites themselves over to…