Kyle OReilly

Pacing yourself on a Nintendo platformer is like pacing yourself on a candy bar. Sure you could take your time but just devour that thing and enjoy the sweetness while it goes down.

I went into the Water Temple hating it because of it's reputation and the pain in the butt it was to reset the water levels over and over when you realized you missed something at one level but in hindsight it was a really good dungeon and I was kinda spoiled on 3DS. I didn't realize people on N64 had to go into a

Downloaded the Battlefield 1 Beta last night and gave it a whir this morning. I found myself more conflicted about this war game than any other one on account of the setting. All wars are senseless cruel and terrible things but in my mind WWI sticks out as the cruelest and most terrible war there is. Something

The battle system is what you put into it. I remember I basically plowed through that game when it came out by basically spamming attack with most my characters.

OoT gets the same boost as Mario 64 does in my book not just because of how great they are but because that was anyone on those teams first time ever working in 3D. Both games have amazing design flourishes and player guidance that you don't find in games today that have had the benefit of years and years of 3D

Milkman Conspiracy is so cool because it's kind of precursor to Mario Galaxy with all it's gravity swapping-hopping crazy platforming.

It's either there's nothing to play on PC, or there's hundreds of games and how do you decide which one to play anyway on PC. Truly a curse.

The lack of an entire encylopedia of weapons is one of the things that makes BB my fav Souls game. I pick up so many weapons in the regular Souls Series that I never ever use or buy weapons I think I'll use but turn out not to be that great. I'm sure if you're a PvP hound the lack of different weapons is kinda sad

Titanfall 2 beta is getting bad buzz which is bumming me out. Everybody is saying it's slower and less vertically complex.

Game Maker's Toolkit is so good. It's hard to find nice well put together videos like that on YouTube that also don't painfully insert "le derp" style humor into them. That Raptor guys sequel-itis videos make some good points but god does his style of humor grate on me.

Water Temple is complex and interesting but it also could be called the "Backtrack Temple". So many times I missed a route and didn't have a key to open a door after raising the water level so I had to cycle through all the levels again and see what I'd missed potentially which is kind of a pain in the butt. Still

I'm sure Super Mario 3D World is a fun game but I'm really sad that the Wii U didn't get it's own extension in the mainline Mario world a la 64-Sunshine-Galaxy. 3D world seems much more indebted to the New Super Mario Series which I'm frankly not a huge fan of.

I am sure a lot of it is about when you came to the game for the first time. There are probably kids out there who started after Lich King and consider Mists of Panderia the premier WoW era. Leveling your first character is really an experience that can't be replicated again. Or maybe it can, I just never tried.

It's weird, since most of the people on here exist to me as talking pictures essentially, to remember that some of you imbibe and smoke. Add my congrats to the pile!

Oh WoW. Capped at 70 around when Buring Crusade came out and never went back. Vanilla Wow was good times though, especially since I was an aimless pretentious Freshman in College. I even named my undead Priest character after the priest in Albert Camus' the Plague and just sat around waiting for someone to get how

That's what it did for me, I was planning on getting No Man's Sky but the harsh buzz and my new handheld that's full of awesome Mario & Luigi games has held me off on even turning my PS4 on in a while.

MGS4's ending burned me hard on the series. Any number of the things that happened whether it be the impromptu wedding, the sudden "I've been alive the whole time" or god knows what else burnt me out on MGS too. I know Peace Walker is pretty integral to the story of MGSV though so I haven't even moved on to that one

I didn't even realize there were games on the other end of those little doodles. Damn, I've been missing out.

It was bascially Wall-E by way of Blizzard but it still got to me. Non-vocal robots are everybody's soft spot too I assume.

I renewed my PS Plus just for Dark Souls III, despite not really enjoying the PvP much. In my opinion the scrawled messages are such an integral part of the Souls Experience (also, I'm the rare fan of the free games they give out).