Kyle OReilly

Well yeah, but Candy Crush is a pretty low bar. That's like going to an over-priced Mexican Restaurant and then on your way out saying "Well it was better than Taco Bell."

Are there Uncharted spoilers in Puncharted? I still am only up to UC2.

So buying a 2DS was a pretty damn good investment. Not only did I get to play some dank ass Mario-kart tracks with a cranky baby on my chest, I'm finally playing through Ocarina of Time past the Dodongo Cavern which is where I got stuck as a kid and said "I'll come back to it someday". OoT is a really good game. I

It only takes an hour flimflam and it's worth every second. Just make sure you can dim all the lights and get headphones. It should be like a sensory deprivation tank if done right.

Considering a Proteus play through only takes an hour, I've done it multiple times and as long as you space them out by months if not a year or more, each play through really is a magical experience.

I love Tekken 3 and I love how broken Hwourang is. His XXX and OOO combo laid my brothers to waste more times than I could count. They simply didn't know how to stop it.

I also plan on coming to NMS after it dips in price because while the exploring looks great, the rummaging for minerals to take off every time looks ugh.

I was thinking small Nebraska towns, because a lot of small Nebraska towns would make good planet names; Ord, Arcadia, Broken Bow, Roscoe…

Just Cause 3 is a game where the shooting and stuff is like the least interesting part faraway. The movement is so good. I would play those wingsuit challenges over and over until I five starred them because it just felt good to slot right thorugh those little red holes.

I went back and played up to a certain amount of stars and found the game to be a blast. The one thing holding it back in my opinion was the offensive amount of water levels. Seriously, I hate those frickin' water levels.

Hmmm, I was talking about Furi last week but in a mature moment of adult-y-ness, I was killed by the time guy when he had one hit left and I rage quit the game and then rage deleted it from my hard drive. I downloaded the latest PS Plus game which is something like Viking Tetris or whatnot but we'll see if I play it.

I've been playing Furi off and on for a while and goddam is that game a PILL! I'm only on the third boss but it's not even the difficulty that frustrates me, it's the sheer amount of actual time it takes to get through his first two phases to the actually difficult third and fourth phases. So much of it is just

I never even thought about that little nub. Do you have to use the d-pad in it's place on the 2DS?

That's what my friend said to do, but he also warned me the refinements in that one are so good, going back and playing X or Y will feel stiff.

Props for sustaining a campaign across multiple playthroughs. My D&D group is really hard to get together so we always have to do self contained adventures in one night and I've always wondered how rad it would be to do a massive multi-session quest like that.

Yeah, I remember thinking that the implications of giant evil bear druids attacking almost all your royalty and lineage would be a pretty big deal but it's kinda waved away in the end. But there's some damn find scenery on that island so that's what makes it my favorite.

The reviewer at IGN said the first bit of the game is a slog until you hit your stride and the story starts to take off.

I am Setsuna from Square just came out for PS4 and is getting pretty darn good reviews. Apparently it's Square's attempt to try and recapture their mantle from the SNES days of pumping out A+ JRPGs like it was nothing.

I still haven't finished the third episode. I love the game to death but the release schedule makes my momentum feel so damn inert that I forget I even still have the game installed sometimes. Still, at least now I can experience two episodes back-to-back.

Welcome to the glorious club. My only comment is paying for the Ankh is for chumps. Murdering the shopkeeper becomes like riding a bike after a while and if you murder him for the first time in the Black Market most of them go nuts and kill eachother or float to the bottom.