Out here by the bonfires it's either parry or get parried.
Out here by the bonfires it's either parry or get parried.
You'll die a lot in the beginning as you get used to the game. It puts a surprising amount of heft behind some rando world map monsters. It's a great game and well worth the initial death pile though.
Get pumped for Odin Sphere. I played it way back in the PS2 era and back then it was a glorious eye-feast to behold and also a surprisingly long and engaging adventure.
I've gotten pretty good at playing Dark Souls 3 while my baby sits in my lap and sleeps or stairs at me and wonders why I'm cussing so much (in my defense it seems like they made mimics a lot stronger in this game). I'm nearing the end game and am enjoying hitting that sweet spot where most enemies are a simple slash…
Are you playing on PC or one of the consoles? I'm very tempted to pick it up but I only have PS4 and shooters like this tend to get the most numbers and the most dev-love on PC.
I loved the bejeezus out of Witcher 3 but I haven't felt the siren call to get back into it. In fact towards the end the combat systems holes started to shine through and I found encounters (especially with monsters) to be my least favorite thing.
Enjoy the peat-scented moors of beautiful Scotland.
Squeezing in bits Dark Souls III between night time feedings of my newborn son. Currently stuck on the big Skeleton with cool bracelets, Woljnir or something. So far I'm loving the game even though it feels almost too reminiscent of DS1 right down to the swamp levels and everything. I'm also making my first…
I've been tempted to buy Enter the Gungeon for the same reason (Northern Lions playthroughs) but I only ever beat Isaac once and have been creamed repeatedly by Crypt of the Necrodancer never even having beaten a first boss. But I still wanna get EtG just because it looks so fun!
Hell yeah for Super Mario Galaxy 2 but anti-hell yeah for those incredibly difficult Yoshi Stages. I don't think I've plugged my wii in for years now but SMG2 is pretty much the only game that was ever in it and it's still in there waiting for me to beat it.
VVVVVV really is a great game. Also, if you haven't consider picking up one of the boat speed mods for Sunless Sea. The boat speeds in the base game are criminally slow and suck a lot of the fun out of it in my opinion as you have to do a lot of back and forth on certain routes to build any serious stores of cash…
I've only played Uncharted 2 and it was in a surge over a weekend at a friends house, so I'm worried the obvious nostalgia-baiting and heart-tugging they're setting up won't work on my callous heart. But I want it to work because I flipping loved UC2.
I liked William Morgan Sheppard in Civ V. His voice had gravitas but wasn't overly familiar. And now when I spot him in bit parts on Star Trek or It's Always Sunny, I get to go "Hey it's the Civ guy!".
Civ 6 looks like it's gonna be cross-released on tablets honestly, which sounds like a terrible idea, but who knows. There's only so much improvement they can deliver to each iteration so if they've finally made the AI good and this Cities across multiple tiles thing pans out (I would love it if certain parts of your…
You need to learn the valuable work skill of switching tabs lightning fast. It's why I always keep an article on Python open.
There's a trilogy of those games on PS2? I only know about the one where Rasputin is the bad guy and then it's sequel which wasn't as highly praised.
Bro, you have no hella idea how fleeky-fresh Life is Strange is. IT's one of those games that everybody talks about and doesn't seem that great, but then just blows your expectations away. It's a hella masterpiece.
Dark Souls III has been my main gaming squeeze lately. I just beat Vordt of the Boreal Valley, which was a really fun battle for a melee build. I've finally got most of the rhythm down for the game and am making sense of the new systems for things like shards and these new fangled gems.
Don't forget there was that terrible "sniper fight" with the Arkham Knight.
Yeah, I know there's gonna be some cool stuff to find in DSIII but I don't know if the world will have the same kind of cohesion that Bloodborne did. Everything in Bloodborne just made sense in terms of what Yharnam was going through and you could go deeper and find out why they were going through it and it's just…