That is truly sadistic. At least you're not playing secret paladin though…
That is truly sadistic. At least you're not playing secret paladin though…
Is this a Thousand Year Door appreciation thread!?! Oh hell yeah! Even the dorky Princess Peach Stealth missions in that game were amazing. Every little storyline in the game was great, but the joy I can still derive from remembering the wrestling arena storyline. Oof, don't even get me started.
I'm going to Chicago with the in-laws so I will be away from my precious Bloodborne and probably abusing my main mobile addiction Hearthstone! My dedication to being a free-to-play gold-only boy has made unlocking the wings in the new Explorers expansion really slow but I should have enough for the second one soon.
That header image… *swoons internally*
I think Demon Souls' PS3 exclusivity is what makes it the black sheep in the family. I've never had the chance to play it but I hear it's great and actually the most hardcore of the series as a lot of things they streamlined in the later games were still done the hard way in Demon Souls.
BLOODBORNE!!!!!!!!!! After being super late to the party on Witcher 3, I finally caved and got Bloodborne so I can be super late to this party too. As a huge fan of the Dark Souls 1 & 2 I knew I'd like it but I just didn't know how much I'd like it. It's a slam-dunk, touchdown, home-run of a game if you ask my…
I don't know how they could go back to World War II without dropping kill streaks, weird perks that make you reload like Speedy Gonzalez, wall-running, jet packs and tactical drone strikes, and all those things get bullet points on the back of the box!
The Bro-ness is also very strange considering how they went out of their way to add women to the roster (good) but they worked their damndest to make those women as bro-tastic as possible (uhhh… maybe good?). They're always smoking cigars and have tight short haircuts and seem to like grunting.
Way to bury the lead there man! For those of you who haven't played the campaign yet (I redboxed it and made it through half, planning to drop another $2.50 for the other half this weekend) this game features a performance from a robotically enhanced Detective Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni)!
Holy frijoles does Freddi Fish bring back memories. In the era when well meaning grand parents thought that educational clicking games would turn their grandkids into the next Bill Gates, my grandpa took his old computer, loaded it with every Freddi the Fish game there was and also ones with that weird talking car,…
I wasn't really hyped for it before but yeah, that leaked gameplay is brutal. The one where the dude walked across the map in 11 minutes was particularly disconcerting. I'm hoping that it's sort of just showing the less flattering sides of the game and ignoring the fun stuff that we haven't sen yet like dungeons or…
Everything I'm hearing about MGSV being full of way too much content is bumming me out. I haven't picked it up yet but I always enoyed those games for their clear sense of purpose. Hell back in the day you could beat MGS 1 in one sleepover if you really wanted to. Now the idea of doing all these padding missions…
I actually kinda like the imitation-Swedish they speak. In an early scene, the dialogue text talked about orcs and goblins 'working' the character actually snuck "nine-to-five-ing" amongst the gibberish. It made me chuckle a little.
I don't know actually as my wifi was down while I was playing… I plan on going back and replaying it as I've heard a lot of people say that the multiplayer is really important.
Shoot Kenny, ditch Jane. Clem don't need nobody to slow her down… except the baby but yeah.
The baron quest is handled really well and the characters grow deeper and deeper as it goes. Shame some of the other quest lines didn't carry as much weight. Ard Skellige questline was basically "Hey Geralt, wanna pick our new ruler for us?".
Gears of War 2 mulitplayer was the best thing around back in the day before they nerfed the elbow-shotgun combo. I freakin' loved that game. Shame the series never got it's mojo back after that game.
No but it is enough of a cross over hit that Hardees thought making this commercial was a good idea:
Downwell is the 2.99 gift that keeps on giving. I finally made first contact with the final boss but wasn't able to seal the deal. I can pretty reliably get to the water world now depending on what pick-ups I get. My favorite power-ups in order of useful-ness
Are there any other navel-gazy games in existence really? The only other ones I can think of are maybe the Chinese Room's output (Dear Esther, Everybodys Gone to Rapture), but those aren't personal experience.