Kyle OReilly

This game will be weird for me as I've been following Nina on twitter for around a year (she owns the best handle out there with @hentaiphd) and with how personal she gets on that network it feels like I've seen a lot of her thoughts and what not bared out as is. So with how personal this game is, I'm gonna have to

I think the Boy is dead (which is the most obvious part) but I don't know if the Sister is and I think we're not supposed to know. The Limbo he is stuck in is obvious a loop (the game ends I think exactly where it begins) and not knowing what happened to your sister is the final punishment/trial the boy has to go

Oh, that's a thinker… I don't know if it's really that scary but I was getting pretty into the "maybe there *is* a ghost in this house" subplot in Gone Home. And while not scary in the traditional, I was on the edge of my seat with anxiety leading up to the fakeout ending. The game, actually has quite a few

Bummer about Arkham Knight. I 100%-ed the game on what I like to call "Kyle terms", by which I mean I beat everything except the goddam Riddler trophies because those things are brutal.

You haven't played MGS3 yet? There's no way you haven't heard people say it's the best one right? Because, it is the best one.

Come home to "be greeted by both tits and a puppy."

Yeah, the trailers made it seem like the Wild Hunt would be this badass group of hell-knights who you're gonna be running into a lot, but in reality they occupy maybe 2% of the game and 10% of the story missions. It's a real bummer. And I'm with you on Bald Mountain. It's like the whole quest was based around one

Ooooooh, Shadow Heart Covenant. That's some mainline, high-quality obscure JRPG right there. I remember when Penny-Arcade used to be actually kinda funny they had a good strip on it.…

Downwell has been a continuing source of brief trigger happy fun bursts for me.

Most interesting character, scariest monsters (the big tall nub dudes are the freakiest shit out there), best fashion (that vest is dope) and on top of it all, Heather is also the only Silent Hill protagonist to have her game be packaged with a soundtrack CD that had an unexpectedly catchy, 90s-style Alt-rock song on

I'm on your side just because I still haven't played Bloodborne and have to skip all these assumedly pretty good articles because I don't want anything spoiled.

Ugh, Mike was the worst! I was pretty miffed when I realized they were grooming him to be the main male protagonist. Also, while it was obvious from 50 miles away the stranger was really a good guy it was not obvious how quickly they were going to kill him off. I was really surprised when that head rolled.

Until Dawn is the biggest surprise of the year for me. I remember reading about it at E3 and thinking it sounded pretty lame. An interactive horror movie sounds like a joke culled from a Treehouse of Horror episode but it was surprisingly fun and even scary.

Katawa Shoujo?!? Hot diggity, the world's most unexpectedly heart-wrenching game, that I will never ever admit publicly that I have played.

Tank controls aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be except for that one fatal flaw, which is when you're walking one direction, the static camera angle changes and you're holding down on the joystick but moving left and your brain is telling you "Hey… this isn't right."

Once you unlock the Floaty style, combo chains in Downwell become a breeze… The game itself is still wicked hard though. I haven't made it past the water level yet. The game is great in short bursts but I don't think I've played it for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Weird how the mom never shows up besides the opening cinematic. But I remember liking the monolithic angle you viewed the King from at the end of levels and I also loved his goddam rainbow toungue. Hell, I love everything about Katamari Damacy. Now if you don't mind I have to go get the theme song out of my head.

I don't know if you've played it on Xbox or PC but does the PS4 version of SMB feel just a bit 'off' to you? It's not the new music, it's that I feel there's a nano-second longer between my input and the game's reaction then their used to be.

Get pupmped bro, Final Fantasy 8 is the weirdest one and I think that helps when the nostalgia glasses come off and you have to go through the terrible experience of grinding on the world map (blegh). It also has the best music and the best card game which is just like an irrefutable fact.