Kyle OReilly

I want Gang Beasts so bad, but I've never been able to rope any of my friends into multiplayer games off the PC. I tried to tell everyone that Nidhogg was an amazing expeirence but it just didn't stick.

*leans over keyboard, breathing heavily*

Specialized Multiplayer ideas like stealth always seem to have trouble finding the right kind of balance. With a multiplayer sports game or FPS balance is usually pretty easy to handle, but with something like MGO where there are a whole load of other factors to keep in mind, it seems like it would be hard to stop

We can't even get everyone to agree on Ticket to Ride which is like the most basic table-top game there is!

Tabletop gaming is a hell of a lot of fun, but logistically it's the hardest thing to organize next to Operation Overlord. You have to get the right amount of people, make sure everyone has enough free time, and that they understand the rules, then hope that you picked a game everyone will like. I wish it were

I'm always gonna be bummed that Bungie, with an unlimited budget and free from the leash of Microsoft, used all their creative freedom to create a First-Person-Grinder. I know it's wicked successful and we'll be seeing "Destiny: Hall of Led Zeppelin Advertisements" expansions for years to come now, but I just feel

Take Snazzlenuts advice and bump the difficulty down a notch. I love the Souls games and figured I'd get a similar enjoyment out of Witcher 3 on hard but as you said, the combat just isn't tight enough. It can still be pretty challenging until you get high-level on normal but not frustratingly so. This way you can

The Metal Gear Solid series skied pretty close to a lot of sharks but MGS4 was the one where it just jumped right over the shark for me. The game still had some surprisingly resonant moments (that finale crawl) but that ending was bad. I mean, what part of Kojima thought that a goofy-surprise Wedding on the tarmac

Still slow-poking my way through Witcher 3 and so I'm gonna be discussing some spoilers for that if you're some how later to the game than me on that.

It's kind of crazy how long that second analog stick was there until developers really started taking advantage of it. If you want to enjoy the sweet nectars of nostalgia *and* enjoy a control scheme that never goes bad. Pick up the ol' Ape Escape games.

I've been hella busy with work/life/non-video-game stuff so while I wish I was getting further into the Witcher 3, I'm not (*spoiler* recruiting cool bros for my cool battle against the elven ghost army whose motivations are still hella murky to me. I would've settled for one meeting with their cool boss who spills

I made it like 15 minutes into the first Amnesia before noping the hell out of there. It's been on my to-play list for a long time since. I need to beat it just so I can get one good horror game under my belt, as I still haven't finished Silent Hill 3 (though I played the soundtrack more than the game almost) or any

I suppose sarcasm is tough to infer in internet comments but yeah dude I'm being sarcastic. I wouldn't want to force anyone back into a crippling coke addiction and I actually think Easy Tiger is pretty damn good.

If you pretend that Adams, never got sober and actually died after releasing the death obsessed 29, than the dudes got a spotless output.

I'm still kinda miffed it wasn't a Metal Gear week…

Shoutout to all these hotshots from the comments dropping level design A-Bombs on us. Nice.

Theme week! Theme week! Theme week! Theme week!

Weird no I didn't. I've never seen anything glow blue in Witcher Sense, just yellow and red. Is there a secret I'm missing?

Yeah, linearity and setpieces are so integral to my memories of previous MGS games that I've been baffled for a while about how they would pull off an open world game. I'm excited to try but it does seem like this is a really different game compared to past Metal Gears.

Post a link if it's up on Jstor for those of us who use our grad-school spouses' logins to get free articles every so often.