Kyle OReilly

Yeah, I suppose that's true. Devs are still taking advantage of the built in market base for current gen. I guess in a few years we'll see what these new consoles can achieve. I'm trying to remain optimistic though it will take one helluva game to pull me towards this new gen.

Yeah, that's true. I'm just worried that as budgets increase, the urge to take risks on new IPs/gameplay types will decrease. Though there are games rumored for 2015 (like a new Fallout) that I could see tangibly benefiting from new gen tech, it's just so damn underwhelming right now.

Man, Thief looks like a generi-turd. What really scares me about this generic-turd though, is that this is going to be par for the course for the new generation of consoles. No one is really stepping up to do anything crazy new and looking at Thief, plus the new Assassin's French Creed trailer, and all the other

Hot dog, it looks like we have our first post-30 Flights of Loving game. A detail-short, ambiguous first-person narrative. And it seems to be even a little bit longer than 30 Flights precious 30 minutes.

I make do with what I have dammit! It's a couple steps above a potato… Okay it's actually just a potato with a Nvida GeForce 630m crammed into it.

Wait, are you talking about the Three Sentinels? Is there a way to get around them!?!? Tell me your secrets Drinking_with_Skeletons!

Played the Beta on my poor little lappy, which was heating up like a burro on the trails of the Grand Canyon in July. Still, I was terrible at it and had a grand old time nonetheless.

Amen Brother! Sometimes you just want to parkour with a little bitty pistol that does half the aiming for you. I'm not one of those twitch happy 19 year olds, jacked up on Mountain Dew and Adderall who always hand me my buttocks in Counter Strike. It's nice to know that there's a game that says, "Hey, I know you're

This wouldn't happen to be that same item you find in the dude's house back Majula is it? Tyler Perry's Lockstone or whatever it's called?

What!?! So I almost broke my sword swinging it into every goddam brick I could find in that corridor for nothing?

No one plays it for it's single-player anyway but Red Orchestra 2:Heroes of Stalingrad had a very confusing tutorial you had to beat to try the single player missions that consisted mostly of adjusting your sights on your gun based on distance that you had to guesstimate and hitting targets. They tell you how to

Don't worry, taxes are a breeze with the handy new features in Turbo Tax™. You can even import your taxes from last year, and their streamlined question and answer system makes the whole process a breeze. Did you know they even have online representatives who can help you out? Wow, Turbo Tax™ really sounds like a

Dark Souls beginning really gets my goat as I lent the game to many of my friends who really liked Skyrim "Saying oh you'll love this, the combat is way better and it's really brutal." and almost all of them returned it saying they hated it and the combat was clunky. Upon investigation later I found out each and

And after all of that I still had no idea how the fuckin' Draw system worked. I can borrow magic from monsters and apply it to my stats? The hell?

Pffft, no QTEs, no follow-the-leader escape sequences, no slow-motion breach and clear sections, no online deathmatch multiplayer? Who the hell would want that?

Who do you think wrangles obscure foreign movies like this or the films that time forgot that always show up on Netflix Instant. I've heard that they buy license's for films in giant batches so that you can't get "There Will Be Blood" without also nabbing a South Korean film about a crazed Boar terrorizing a mountain

That is literally too cute. You should play Surgeon Simulator with her and see if she likes knocking organs around the back of ambulances… that sounded worse than I meant it to.

Ooof, trying to explain the appeal of JRPGs to a parent is a tough one. I remember my dad drove me to pick up the original Xenosaga from a comic book shop and when he asked me what it was about all I could say was… "Uh, you're this scientist lady and you sort of… uh… fight this cult thing."

I've heard good things about Bravely Default but I still don't see the 3DS as having a big enough library to justify that money drop. Hopefully it'll get some kind of wonky port to some tv-bound console.

I think being watched by someone who doesn't have an understanding of games can be a bit frustrating. Essentially it turns into two games, one of explaining and one of actually playing. I remember playing Left 4 Dead 2 while my wife watched and having to explain why the other players did waht they did, why the tank