Kyle OReilly

I hope you don't mind if I work "You're one of those idiots from a Breughel painting!" into my daily insult library. It's too good to pass up. Dumb-asses getting eaten by giant half-fish dudes in hell…

I think most people of this generation remember the forbidden fun of South Park. I specifically remember the sloppy first season when Big Gay Al was still a character and me an my brothers were all watching an episode in the basement with one of us on the stairs for lookout in case my dad came down the stairs.

So outside of Miyamato, what video game auteur* is able to continually design quality games without sticking his foot firmly in his mouth for the game press?

Anybody wanna divert momentarily from DCGs with me to wax nostalgic over Old-Blizz. I feel like there's been such a huge changing of the guard at Blizzard over the years that the teams that made me get mild carpel tunnel playing Warcraft III and Diablo II were replaced with Popcap employees so fast I didn't even

Sorry man, I'm stuck on Xbox and PC. I have played the Read Dead Nightmare DLC though and can confirm that it is a fantastic piece of addon content.

If those babies aren't part of the official White Men Can't Jump canon I don't know if I want to participate in that fandom anymore…

Well I'm not gonna tell you about the Eggplant now because you seem to have a preternatural ability to figure this secret stuff out. But, yeah that sacrificial altar is a blast. I remember I also found out about the golden monkey by accidentally throwing the golden head onto it.

It's almost impossible to keep your A game going non stop. On last-nights daily I crushed myself with one of those square stones while I was digging with the maddock. Amateur move.

Yeah, Rockstar protagonists seem to have a serious problem with getting done what they say they're going to get done, but I really like Mexico. It's a self-contained story within the game that allows you to experience the cigar chewing, camp of A Fistful of Dollars style westerns before getting to the snowy,

Yeah, they're much more of an idea studio than an execution studio. I've gotten about half way through Costume Quest and Stacking and have yet to finish either. They're both incredibly charming games but they just don't have that hook. I mean CQ is just a basic JRPG with an adorable children's motif laid overtop.

Red Dead Redemption has such a crappy start (that snake oil salesman is the worst!) but if you stick with it and make it at least to Mexico the game starts to shed some of it's Houser-isms and really embrace the Spaghetti in it's soul. And if you make it to the final act, you're in for something special.

Brutal Legend might be one of the few games where I'd prefer to just watch someone do a Let's Play so I can still get the story and everything without the grating gameplay.

*Mild Spelunky Secrets Spoiled*
I remember telling some friends about the worm and they were like "Are you kidding me!?! That's what those are there for?" The game does such a beautiful job of hiding it's secrets, though I don't know how you put everything together for Hell on your own, that's insane buddy. Like

The best coach you can find in a pinch is usually the wiki or if you're still getting wrung like a sloppy dish towel, then get some humanity and summon a sun bro. I'm not afraid to admit that I had to summon somebody to help me beat Ornstein and Smough. .

Yeah, I've only ever taken the time to haul that key all the way to the end of the ice caves once and I don't see myself doing it again. That's hardcore bruh.

If you go into my history you know I'm a pretty big Spelunky fan. I originally found it browsing those articles of "10 Awesome Free Indie Games", picked up the original game maker version, and haven't stopped since then. The Spelunky Daily Challenge is my equivalent of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. A

Brutal Legend for the Game Revue Club and then sweet, sweet mama Counter Strike GO.

I'm having trouble getting into RoR. I'm so used to the quick-fix speed of Rogue Legacy and Spelunky that the slow pace of RoR really bogs me down. I also am not sure if I'm even playing it right. Obviously the point of each level is to find the boss, and the longer that takes the harder it gets so it's counter

It is a reflection of me yes, int he sense that after 5 chapters of Walking Dead proper, the characters of 400 Days seemed hollow to me, because I didn't really see them as fully fleshed out characters but as factors in the "big choice" equation. On the bus for instance, the lawyer was a huge twat but the other guy

Well like everybody here I'm conflicted now. The number one complaint I've been hearing is "It's just fetch quests!" and the rebuttal here seems to be "Yeah, but those fetch quests have weight and meaning."