Kyle OReilly

Yeah, it's hard to be too mad at them since they're a much smaller team but I'm with AJA, episodic gaming is not the route for me anymore. I just have to be careful of spoiler landmines in Walking Dead Season 2 as I'd prefer to drink that milkshake all at once if possible.

400 Days has actually stunted my excitement for Season 2 of Walking Dead considerably because it laid bare the Telltale Experience in a format where I got to see the small bits of choice and the attempts at maturity by way of frank violence in small digestible bits, which is the worst way to consume the Telltale

This sort of gets to the heart of Telltale's problem which is that their recent games, the choice isn't really that big of deal (even in Walking Dead, all divergent paths led back to the same place) and so it's a matter of whether or not you like the story or not.

There's some solid strategies for killing them and getting away with it. I just stand one square in front of them, whip them and when they hit you it launches you up just enough to land on them and get a free bounce hit, then you grab their shotgun during the two seconds their knocked out and shoot them a few times.

At this point it comes down to taste and I think Civ IV has a bit more chutzpah and less streamlined bits like the happiness amalgamation. I'm really bummed that happiness in Civ V is an overall trait that is shared throughout your empire. I think it made sense that you could have cities that were unhappy and others

Did you hear they added stickers and underhand grenade tosses? I'm curious as to how the toss will affect gameplay and how the stickers will affect team chat in casual, as more anonymous strangers harass me to trade them skins AND stickers now.

I went for Parabolis because it reminds me of one of my favorite Francis Ford Coppola films The Conversation starring Gene Hackman, where doing some corporate espionage Gene Hackman overhears what might be a murder plot. So basically that as a game but mixed with Black Sunday!

Has the nation you helped ever turned on you and declared war because it's one of the expansionist leaders like Washington? This actually sounds pretty dope.

Do it. Crusader Kings II isn't super tricky and the best way to learn the game is to watch a few tutorials and then give it a go yourself. You want conquer Europe on your first try but you will get the hang of it. My advice is start as one of the Brother's in Northern Spain as there are lots of easy succession

It's crazy to me that Don't Starve is how you unwind. All the stuff you have to keep track of in that game… Do I have enough food, do I have enough resources did I set all my traps in the right places, am I too far from my campfire before it gets dark, am I going insane? I don't think I've made it past 12 days yet

Yeah, the shortcuts are really only for brief research runs to get to know enemies and what not. After a while you'll get to the point where you can handle the early levels pretty well. I imagine you have your shopkeeper murdering strategy down pat, because that's the quickest way to get gear (but also an enemy at

The 100 hours relies on your ability to deal with repetition as even with the expansions the dungeons can get very same-y after a while. I put in 40 hours but still felt like I got more than my money's worth. Only advice, watch out for Ice Trolls.

So these are back on at midnight now? Cool. Order and Balance are returning to Gameo 2.0.

I love that you put an exclamation point after wife, as if to say "Since when did that happen?"

Congrats, I've heard the sequel to Buy A House, Maintain your own House is where you really get the sense of satisfaction. All kinds of dope ass yard minigames…

Morrowind is held to the same level as Dark Souls by hardcore Elder Scrolls fans but as you said, it's not much for hand holding and it can get very confusing… I did the quest in the sewers of Vivec where you find the murderer which took me so much time and one of your rewards is guards armor from the head guard. But

I've been continuing my dangerous decent into the world of competetive Counter Strike GO. I won my first competitive round the other day and felt like a shiny golden god! I've learned about baiting, peeking, counter-flashing and all the good stuff. That doesn't mean I can do any of those things, it just means I

Pffft, you call that the Z axis? I want to see the quarterback floating 40 feet in the air as wide receivers swim all up and down all over the place scrambling like sea otters… Basically I want quidditch but underwater and with the Okinawa flair that FFX has.

If Blitzball, the underwater rugby madness from Final Fantasy X, were displayed on FOX every year I would watch the hell out of it. I feel like what's always held Football back is their failure to move in the Z axis. I mean X and Y are old hat by now.

Yeah, it is kind of spotty with the schedule. I used to operate my Friday mornings around What Are You Playing This Weekend and it wasn't even there last week.