Kyle OReilly

I would like to see Nintendo break from it's storied characters and really flex some new chops. I'd like to get a hold of the teams that made Pikmin and Professor Layton and work with them to adapt Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities into a video game.

Turret spots where you know a wave of enemies is coming and you have to hold them off. The Gears of War series had a real hard-on for these and they would be the worst part to sit through as you always knew it was gonna end with an orgy of enemies all coming through the gate and hammering you with non-stop grenades.

Have you played Animal Crossing, because I live and die for fishing in Animal Crossing.

That's why you're one of the good ones.

If you dug this deep, down to the dank, dark bottom of the Disqus pile, know that I love you and am actually buried alive underneath my backlog. The latest Humble Bundle was too much and caused my carefully balanced backlog to collapse onto me. I am currently having my legs crushed by a giant Company of Heroes 2

They were a really unknown, but hard-working comedy troupe in L.A. before getting the show and they had a lot of friends in the scene going in that helped them out. Mitch Hurwitz, the creator of Arrested Development, is actually in an episode in Season 2 so yeah they do seem to have a lot of connections but it seems

With this and Banner Saga that's two high profile Kickstarter games that made it out the gate so far. While they seem to have little in common outside of a serious respect for hand drawn art, I'm pumped to try Broken Age when it's released in full.

While this year has only just begun, I have faith in the quasi-drugged-out-art-game Soundself to make everybody stand back and say "Wait, whoa…."

I don't even try to recommend games to people anymore. The last one I tried was Spelunky (obligatory mention of it being the perfect game) and after hearing people not really get it, I just gave a collective, "Meh" to the whole operation. I still have friends who play similar games to me and due to the hype around

I told myself I would never reset and for the most part I didn't. I watched my oldest sniper shot to death, and my best medic eaten alive and turned into a zombie by chrysalids… but when my Heavy, who I'd had since the first mission, took a plasma blast to the face, that was too much for me.

I hate to burst your bubble stew but people are assholes on Dark Souls no matter the platform. And the one time you do meet another guy who actually bows and does things like a gent. You'll get another invader who will come in and kill you both.

NiGHTS into Dreams is the weirdest looking gosh darn game. It is so indicative of that boom when game designers in Japan looked up and went "Wait a minute, we can move in 3D!" "How do we do that naturally" "Uhhhhh, on-rails experience?"

I have quite a few games on my wife's iPad Mini and any of them that require an investment of time longer than 10 seconds a la Super Hexagon, I just can't get into, so I would be interested to try this. iOS is painfully in need of some deeper, quality titles and what better generation to emulate than the PS1?

Do you know if the Netflix Streaming version is in the correct aspect ratio? I hate seeing squished films but I'm also a stingy penny-pincher who pretty much only watches movies on Netflix Instant.

Banner Saga will be the first big Kickstarter project that I've backed, to come to fruition. Which is cool but kinda meh for me, as I was lukwarm about the Free-to-Play Factions and some of the writers over at Rock Paper Shotgun pointed out some glaring flaws in their preview build. There's apparently little in the

No she's real! She's sandwiched next to the guy in the knit Mega Man beanie.

Ugh, Mobas… At least here the deep jargon is for a good cause, and all in good fun. If you don't know what term someone is shouting violently over chat in a game like LoL you will be verbally berated in ways no one deserves.

One of the dudes on the couch just said "You almost de-spawned that green platform!" and then everybody in the room laughed and I felt like an old Babushka who wandered into a nuclear physics classroom.

I tuned in and there's a shirtless African American fellow tounge-glitchin' through walls in Yoshi's Island for SNES while tens and tens of pasty white kids look on (and one lady I think).

The Christmas where we got a Playstation, Crash Bandicoot Warped, Tekken 3 and Heart of Darkness. One of those games was a wacky adventure game that my tiny mind couldn't figure out and the other two were instant classics that worked their way into my families nightly routine. Hell even my mom tried to play Crash