Kyle OReilly

You really touched on the games appeal to older folks. It can feel like a very Japanese game in it's outlook. Not in the sense of big robots and school girls, but in the sense of long-term goals, dedication to your community and rigid self-reliance.

Thing about Proteus is, that ominous tower glitch probably isn't a glitch… I had a similar experience with the game where I thought I had it broken and it wasn't working right, and then something nuts happened, so my advice is to stick with it.

Sad and honest answer: Yes. When I was in college and had a great deal more free time, I could pound down media like a 2 hour documentary on Myanmar or a 300 page novel about Italian Communists like it was nothing.

I came this close to buying a 2DS just for New Leaf. The original Animal Crossing on Gamecube was my jam back in the day. I played it for a full year, until things started to get very Groundhog Day and were repeating themselves. I wouldn't knock it for being a daily zen ritual. I think we need more games like

I'm doubly surprised both by the fact that IT Crowd is ending and by the fact that it was still going all this time. I thought Richard Ayoade had gone onto bigger pastures like being the only funny person in movies with Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller. I really need to get caught up on that show.

So your name isn't really Girard? Next you'll tell me that's not really you in your avatar pic…

I feel ya. I get more joy out of reading year-end lists for movies than I do out of actually seeing the movies sometimes. Except for Gravity. That movie was dope as hell.

And put together entirely by one hyper-dedicated dude. He deserves some sort of props.

Spelunky came out this year on PC where it truly got to blossom in a way it never did on Xbox 360, which is with its daily challenges. One level that everyone who owns the game shares so that you can go toe to toe with the best players in the world. Obviously there are power players out there who can camera-bait

I'm glad you brought up Proteus. It was the only Indie Darling from this year missing from the discussions here and should really be given it's fair due. Even the new hot property "No Man's Sky" can't do what Proteus did, which is provide us a beautiful world where we don't have to kill anything for once.

I'm conflicted as all hell on Papers Please. It's an engrossing game with meaningful decisions, great atmosphere and beautiful dedication to it's own fiction but it is also incredibly stressful, demanding and not necessarily fun. Now I know not every game needs to be fun and that this is a positive reflection on our

I liked the super jumping for world building as it made me think of Wallace and Gromit but I often had trouble and would over jump guards or under jump guards slide right up to them to be shot.

Not only home to the best Halo story, but home to my favorite Halo main-gun the beautiful, deadly accurate DMR! That gun was boss-hog.

THey spent a weird amount of time I imagine making sure her butt was realistic for an AI butt.

That's one of those games that lends itself perfectly to the "Just one more life" play style as you always want to click through to see if you got enough gold to afford another upgrade and then you say "Well, I'm already at the beginning of the castle, might as well go in just one more time." And then it's 2 am.

I walked away with Papers Please, Gone Home, Skyrim GOTY and Natural Selection which isn't a bad haul in my opinion.

I'm curious did you actually shell out the money that today's market is demanding for Xenoblade? I recently got a Wii for dirt-cheap on Black Friday and went to find that game and found out it was going for something like $70 bucks used!

Who the hell has been dismissing the NES Mega Mans? I thought they were considered the pure heroin to the X series crazy cocaine? That drug metaphor holds up right?

Terraria in Space seems to be an accurate description of the game and a perfect reason for me to stay the heck away from it. It's a lucrative genre though "Terraria-clones" because that game is selling hand over fist and it's only in Early-Access.

There's a new KRZ chapter? Do you know if it auto-downloads for people who have KRZ on steam or what?