
I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

Once shots were fired, however, the station quickly cut to Rudy Giuliani at a conference.

Well, there is that 1993 letter of his to Harper Collins, where he wrote: “I don’t outline my novels. I find that if I know exactly where a book is going, I lose all interest in writing it.”

“Hey dude, did you hear? Some of Samsung’s flagship phones are literally blowing up. Crazy, huh?”

Wi-Fi in the home is taken for granted now, like water and electricity. My wife & kids expect it to work all the time. I get calls at work when it goes down.

“It’s one thing if it was true, but I have to say I’m pretty devastated that they’d go so far to make something up to mock and ridicule me so much.”

The most beautiful place in the world.....Home.

It’s easy enough to understand how bold, brash, ballsy, bullshit artists con their ways into jobs they don’t deserve and then cling to their power long after they have shown themselves to be frauds. It’s been clear for a very long time to anybody who is paying attention that much of finance/politics/the entertainment

I think people are heading in the wrong direction by looking for a single, well controlled, plan out of Varys. Books or TV show. He says it pretty flat out, he’s for the realm. He pretty consistently argues for the well being of the small folk, and for a stable political situation. It seems to me he has multiple

Who the heck watches Netflix on a browser? I mean, really, a browser? Don´t you people have TVs?

The Apple Watch took off because of all the Apple fanboys who bought them. That it’s also lagging suggests even they don’t think it’s worth it.

Three back surgeries in a year and a half will transform anyone’s body into ‘old and fucked up’. I spent time in PT with a savvy old Danish physical therapist. She ran an evening session at the suburban clinic, so a group of us were in various stages of different treatment modalities together. We got to know each

Here, me: I make the coaching motions with my noise mouth. The brain is where I live. I am crouched on the rim of the sun, observing humanity. I am the potato lotus, flowing. My beams are the beams of my teams, shining into their humanity from benches and boxes. Will I teach them the secrets of the trapezoid? I will

Dear Johnny, I meant to write you sooner but I’ve just been busy
You said your girlfriend’s living with you now, how far from home is she?
Look, I’m really flattered you came by the stadium like that,
And here’s an autograph for you, it’s on the front of the Dallas cap
I’m sorry I didn’t see you week 16, I musta missed you

Both of these companies are huge, but the stock market isn’t representative of their relative success, wealth or power. Apple has yet to miss a quarterly earnings forecast in 10 years and has abour $200 billion squirreled away (approx. 12 years worth of profits for Google), so it’s a little premature to anoint Google,

I didn’t know your mom was a Steelers fan.

If he’s sat in his favourite chair, yet can hold his wife’s tit, where’s she sat? That sort of behaviour should surely be reserved for the couch. Is she stood up? What kind of chair IS his favourite chair?

Probably costs the contents of four credit cards, too.