
I use a Microsoft Surface for work and own an 11" iPad Pro which I can use for certain, but definitely not most, work tasks. The iPad hits a wall in a lot of work situations, becoming more of a pain to complete a task than just pulling out the Windows machine. This is too bad, because the iPad is fast and sleek and a

I wouldn’t include the lining up in the neutral zone here. That wasn’t controversial, just bone headed.

Not sure Dee Ford’s penalty should be on this list. That was a pretty easy call.

One of my all time favorite Dilberts.

Yeah Movies Anywhere was the desperately needed solution to the Apple lock in problem. At least 90% of my movie library is now available on all my devices (Apple TV + Smart TV + TiVo) between Google Play and Amazon Prime.

Tempered glass screen protectors, always. Why?

I’m hoping that you did zero research into the phone before buying it i.e. no key note, no reviews etc. Because that’s the only thing that would make your comment make sense as. As to why you wouldn’t do any of that before buying a $1000 phone is beyond my comprehension. Either way you swing it, you’re an idiot, for

Android is saturated with low-cost phones. THAT is why it is chosen more often.

If that’s the case, why have I been loving my giant-ass iPad Pro since the first day I bought it? #sorrynotsorry

“apple sucks, anything but apple” -gizmodo

2016 models from LG have passive 4K and 3D. 3D is dying at the low and mid-range, which is a shame as the feature doesn’t have a high marginal cost.

They’re not going to have the gall to ask for federal help, right? I mean, all these Red states and their ‘rah rah rah State’s Rights!!’ should go it alone since they’re so good at saving money. And since they don’t like the federal government, how could they possibly ask for handouts??

“You are not entitled to any measure of production or output from him. You are not his boss and he is not under contract to you. You are entitled only to buy or not buy whatever he should release.”

“It controls our emails through Gmail, knows where we go through Maps, has a list of every person we communicate with via Android, and understands our every interest thanks to its search engine and Chrome...”

Moreover, this is sad news for anyone who ever had to buy a parent or less technical friend a wireless router. AirPort routers are expensive, and you can certainly find routers that perform better.

My brother-in-law (who was only a payment or two ahead of his customers) worked for RAC for a while. The job literally killed his soul.

He ultimately quit on the spot when his manager tried to force him to repossess a single mother’s living room on Christmas Eve one year. The two of them walked in, the mom started

A little test run before Election Day

That is definitely the only question he asked it and after that he was like “fuck it”