
There are no norms, only Zuul.

This is Hook and Ladder 8’s patch. It’s pretty bad ass.

Guess you had to be there

People who brag about what college they went to are almost uniformly dumb (and very insecure). Are you going to brag about your Mensa membership next?

And it’s really bizarre because the US government directly or indirectly funded some of the most powerful technology built in the 20th century. Atomic weapons and nuclear power plants, rockets capable of getting to Luna, spacecraft capable of getting to Pluto, the Internet...

A sphincter-tightening ep, that’s for sure. The Maggie sequence was top-notch, I’ll grant you that.

Every reporter should know by now that invoking “feelings” or “emotions” around the Belichick AI brings it one step closer to sterilizing the Earth of biological imperfections.

But Juicy Juice tasted like unripe cherries, sadness, and death. Ecto Cooler was like sucking off angels.

Yes, VIZIO. The cheap brand your dad bought you to take to college ten years ago is now making some really terrific TVs

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Just recently found out about this - Ted Cruz: “We Need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the US Senate”

I want this to be so big that Disney will lock JJ Abrams down for the rest of his life and keep him the fuck away from Star Trek.

Also, it returns the striped cardigan to the outlaw’s wardrobe. Overnight, I have gone from very dull to rakish.


Jon Gruden: See, this guy right here. He’s a guy I like to call “Brokey McFuckstick”, because I make around 40% more annually than-

Argentine singer El Dipy

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Projectors. Soooo many projectors. These babies can project a 100” image from a distance of only 15 inches. I would blanket all of my walls with these, each powered by a dedicated small form factor low-TDP Core PCs.

Thank goodness you posted this - I missed it the other six thousand times Android users posted the same thing.

Well at least the Steelers have one person good at kicking.

I disagree. I think there are so many apocalyptic stories coming out because we as a society in the west are at a point where that is really what scares us. We are a teleporter, interplanetary travel, and a holodeck away from what we thought was going to be humanity in 300 years just 20 years ago. 10 years ago we