
The grey areas concerning Ben’s availability just keep getting lower...

Did you read the actual suit?

Congratulations, Mr. Idriveavibe, on COTD! I would like to gift you with whatever this car is which this lovely mechanic will deliver when she is finished with repairs. Car is safely on jack stands.

Except we store 20 cases of eggs around the diesel engine and layer the floor throughout the sonar computer room with 40lb cans of flour aboard fast attack subs

Homeboy needs to delegate.

That’s the most Florida looking Firebird I’ve seen, and I’m surrounded by Wisconsin Firebirds.

She’s got way better tackling chops than Kluwe!

C’mon Chris, show us those tackle moves. Somebody needs a takedown. :D

Take your star, you jerk.

Wait, so buying an unreliable German car is bad?

He made good money on loveline, man show. Invested wisely in property. Then replaced Howard Stern radio show. Turned down a million dollar radio contract, now Has a wildly successful podcasting empire, wrote several bestselling books, sells out stand up shows around the country, and runs two adult beverage companies.

Congratulations, Mr. Snowball, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a GT-R which this lovely lady will deliver when she’s finished with whatever it is she’s doing.

No matter what you do to a Mk4 Jetta, a 19 y/o woman will be in it.