do you realize how quiet stock pipes are?
do you realize how quiet stock pipes are?
i’m so dead from laughing. i suffocated in hilarity
you know, you say that but obviously the company is still in business and i really doubt its going anywhere anytime soon. this piece and the other one about harley don’t make any mention of stock prices, sales figures or harley wanting to file for bankruptcy.in fact they sold almost 250,000 motorcycles last year…
obviously you have no idea how many young enlisted persons (22-27) want to and do buy harley davidsons, usually sportsters myself included lol
i wish they still WERE lol, looking for a rolling chassis rn as an after deployment project/gift to myself. i have a blown vortec 350 to put in one, i just need to find one.
they’re tiny and actually pretty terrible as cars go. i’ll neer understnd the hype. they even weigh more than a subsequent year nova which had all the same engine options almost. i guess boomers buy what boomers want though
2.5l 4cyl, carb’d. super reliable. 50 ish hp realistically. they even put them in jeeps or awhile.
bullshit! that bodystyle is in its prime right now and i have a hard time finding rolling chassis for less that 3500
cuz it worked out so well LAST TIME Europeans tried to impose trade doctrine on honest hard working Americans. #SpiritOf76
attack the most attacked and also most heavily armed populace for their core beliefs even further in todays world. thats gonna work out well for you guys i’m sure.
thats just laziness really
man builds rat rot testarossa on his own, feel good story
man lso owns 8 other ferraris. a much less feel good story
if we’d just ban guns this wouldn’t have happened.
“I am not mad at this coyote for stalking my patch of forest, filling its belly with vile rodents or fruitlessly chasing the alarmingly huge family of deer that spends its days roaming the woods uphill of the house”
you’re gonna think that until one night one of your dogs gets out and the coyotes fuckin eat it.
i do so love your continued commenting over the years.
i want the 80s cars back.
what did you expect from a man like raphael orlove
couldn’t disagree more, NASCAR isn’t changing for the better anytime soon. its more a spectacle than a sport now, any driver worth a damn realized that and stopped trying or retired a long time ago, thats why you have dipshits like kevin harvick winning alot of races believing hes an elite driver. i stopped…
was about to say this lol
by finishing higher than 36th in points that guarantees a spot in the race, thats guaranteed sponsorship showing up on tv a bunch of times. that nets you more sponsor money. thats how successful teams make money. bk racing, whom i honestly had no idea fielded more than 1 car ever lol is not a successful team.