
Given that the game was produced by Activision, who currently has the largest video game consumer base in the world, I will take their word over the word of random internet people.

It says a lot to me that the majority of people upset by this seem more concerned with the possibility of losing money through loss of revenues than any social concerns. I’m done with Youtube.

If they did that would become a great way to destroy competitors

That’s what Quick Play is for, my dude. Practice.

I am a Mercy main—have been since I bought the game and fell in love. Genji’s constant begging for help—combined with the difficulty in locating him half the time—has caused me to place him near the bottom in my hierarchy of preferred teammates. He’s not the absolute worst in my mind (that’s actually Roadhog,

I think something we need to start taking into account is that reviewers have to play these games pretty quickly. Logging a lot of hours with long play session. Perhaps a game like this is meant to be enjoyed bit by bit. A nice slow burn. This would stop things from seeming so repetitive you’d think.

Right. The complaints here seem to stem from the fact that they really just don’t like that type of game and probably would not enjoy the originals either (or at least enjoy them on a replay if they did enjoy it the first time).

What’s interesting to me is that Heather says that Yooka-Laylee is bloated and full of time-wasting fetch quests, which is my exact complaint about Banjo-Kazooie. So when I read that the makers of BK were making a spiritual successor in YL and I see YL is bloated and full of time-wasting fetch quests, my immediate

I cannot help but chuckle that “lots of things to do” is positive, but “bloated length” is in the negative, those sort of two sides of the same coin I think.

No Stars because you didn’t include a screencap or GIF.

In case you nerds need it (and judging by most of the parodies I’ve already seen, you seriously do), here’s an animated After Effects template I made of the Overwatch Play-Of-The-Game text, available for your downloading and parodying pleasure.

As someone who is interested in No Man’s Sky, not to the degree these nutjobs are, but still interested enough to want to know when i can buy it, Kotaku putting up a small piece about it being pushed back by a few months is actually news I appreciate.