
“I was playing on a PC that literally had only Windows 10, Blizzard launcher and Destiny 2 installed on it,” wrote one. “I genuinely have absolutely no idea how or why I could have been flagged up.”

I literally don’t believe you understand the term literally. Which leads me to believe you are a liar.

Really the prophets should have seen this coming.... amiright?

Is there an article? wtf is this?

I’m sure when he’s sitting at an office job working 9-5 he’ll begin to give a shit about his old career lol, idiot... you have a job that I would have killed for the oppurtunity to have... it didn’t exist when I was his age.

I’ll take a well polished Rockstar title over a mass produced POS from Ubisoft anyday, I appreciate the delays.

If they did... People could make an app, then pay for their competitor to get “boosted” and get their competitor banned.

You should sell it to someone who will play it... considering Nintendo doesn’t want to sell any... I’d gladly take it off your hands (or dock)

It sounds like the exact game they were looking to create. I have read other reviews that are similar in that they mention a ton of stuff to collect and tough puzzles.... but they recognize them as positives. I think it’s important to keep in mind that there is much more room for data with little to no limitations on

have you played overwatch?